
@avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus Wow, unless Moore was 17 when he said it (or channeling G.G. Allin), that's one of the most shamefully pretentious things I ever heard.

True. I admire him as a guitar player. Did you also feel the whole band came across as quite douchey in "The year punk broke"? Not as unbearable as Dylan was in "Don't look back" (I'm a huge fan of his), but still pretty annoying.

It's a little disheartening to see musicians you look up to fall for the same stupid mistakes one does; but for a band that once took the motto "Kill yr idols", it's very fitting.

It's Fab Moretti's evil twin!

I wonder if she ever shares her work with Neil Gaiman before getting it out there. Could he be so jaded (or horny) not to tell her… "Honey, this poem sucks major dick"? I doubt they get more money from her donations than from his writing ventures.

Just 3? Man, the times they are a changin indeed.

Certainly, man.

Why didn't you like Cafe Tacuba? I agree that their frontman can be a little too over-the-top, but the band effing kills it. Calling them the most importnt latin rock band of the last 25 years is by no means an overstatement.

I've heard that story too. It does feel out of place in "White pony", though even if they had recorded it willingly, "Change" alone would have bought them a pass for it.

I used to listen to them a lot in highscool, then moved away for a long time.  Until a few years ago, when I listenned to their second to last album and finally noticed the incredibly sophisticated moodiness their music had from the get go. Much like what happened to me with The Cure, whom Deftones share a many a

True. I believe that the (addmitedly hokey) "Back to school" video defined my understanding of high school.

I turned 15 in late 2001 and still vividly remember how much of an epiphany I had listenning to "White pony" when it came out.

Thanks to the both of you @avclub-8f391213fdc9a9b0e535d990943cffa7:disqus and @avclub-4e8df77c802db1476f245778d67534eb:disqus . What keeps me bringing back to The AV Club's comments section are these kind of conversations. And the occasional firstie/Simpsons gimmick, of course.

Exactly. This song manages to convey the fucked-up frailty that masculinity-obssessed individuals usually hide… until succumbing to emotional turmoil. The kind of thing that makes you build a sexdoll out of an ex's underwear despite the tough guy facade. And that's enough to make one forget that dreadful straps-traps

Well my point was that Nick Cave's actual innovation for this album comes from the songwriting perspective. Up to this album, he embodied the songs, he starred his narrations if you will. In "Push the sky away", he removes himself from the spotlight, adopting a voyeuristic stand. Hence a song about just having written

Somehow, I'm sure that "Finishing Jubilee Street" is this album's true centerpiece.

Good for you, the first born is dead.

No props to Dick Giordano?

I was introduced to Flash through this comic book from 1983, obviously drawn by Infantino http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Fl…
It remains one of my favorites, albeit it wasn't too good from a narrative perspective. The visuals, on the other hand, were unlike anyhting I had ever seen before. I hope it is still somewhere around

True, I always thought Dick Giordano and Carmine Infantino were pretty great mafiosi names.