
Amen to that, my friend.

Exactly, if anything Jodorowsky is a (very blunt) symbolist. All that christian/Freudian/eastern yadda yadda is there for a reason, unlike the free-associative surrealist modus operandi.

I am quite a movie snob, to the point that as a critic I feel much closer to the sensibility and taste of Jonathan Rosenbaum —not to mention his writing style—, but I still spend a lot of time watching Siskel & Ebert's old shows on YouTube. And it is not a nostalgia trip, as I did not grow up watching them or anything

I've got the impression that Jodorowsky's films are best enjoyed when not taken all that seriously.

Indeed. Last Good Friday I watched "The Devils" and it beats the hell out of "Holy Mountain", and I like "Holy Mountain". Not to mention "Altered states", for goodness sake.

Legend has it that Boris Vian died from a heart attack while watching the movie adaptation of one of his books.

I will never get tired of that cover. In fact, I wish they covered AnCo's MPP when playing at Merriweather Post Pavillion.

Do not make fun of PE, it is a very serious condition.


I suppose that's how Flash's orgasm feel like.

n! actually

Sure. I also quite liked all the Krypton mythos. Reading the sixth issue of "The Man of Steel" was a truly mind blowing experience. The panel where Pa Kent "kills" Jor-El's ghost with a shovel haunts me to this day.

So what's Christ's equivalent of the electric period, then? Those smelly "Jesus Freaks"? Televangelists?

Wouldn't you be at least a bit of a dick if you spent your days high as fuck, roaming Las Vegas with a crazy Samoan by your side?

I don't remember if I read it somewhere or if it is my own idea, but HST is best when he breaks character (a lot of his drugged-up iconoclasm was deviced as a protection mechanism, just like others use irony or whatever) and lets raw emotion come through. It happens very rarely, but the few times it does… You get

I think one's reading of HST and Lester Bangs evolves with age. As a teenager, it is easy to connect with the chaos, anger and mischief in Thompson's books, but later you start to see how he blends with the environment he was trying to expose, appearing decadent and perverse in his own way. Granted his political views

Absolutely. Yet, it seems common to misread the book as something closer to HST's drugged-up highjinks than him incarnating -perhaps to his chagrin- the decadent/nightmarish underside of the 60s counterculture. I believe the book's aftertaste is supposed to be dark and fucked up, just like you notice.

Yeah, it does look ready for the paperback version of those Tom Clancy knock-offs that were so popular in the late eighties.

It might be my age talking here, as it was the incarnation I grew up with, but John Byrne's Superman is still definitive for me.

I've always wondered how my golden years will be, since I'm barely 26 and already am a "Jewish guy who can't deal with women and is afraid of death". Other than a receding hairline and wrinkles, I fail to anticipate any more changes.