
He never learned that in school, actually. Must've been one of the classes he skipped in order to masturbate even more.

This could happen if JLG had a Werner-Herzog-like sense of humor.

Une baguette?

Parfois Alain Chabat?

Just make sure your children don't lick it.

Why not a chrome cheetah as Cheetah Chrome?

Is it me or does that poster look very late-90s?

It could work, man. Come to think of it "Shadow of the vampire" wasn't that bad. And there's another Herzog link right there.
Though, as long as Werner is alive, there's no way any other actor but him is playing his role.

If memory serves, there is a whole subplot on how a crewman took vengance on Klaus Kinski by having sex on the actor's bed, leaving some nasty post-coital detritus underneath the bed. The evil glee of Herzog´s failing to inform Kinski, despite his complaints on the foul smell, is priceless. It's an awesome book.

Have you read "Conquest of the useless", Herzog's shooting diaries for "Fitzcarraldo"? Absolutely amazing stuff, the amount of crazy shit that happened around this movie is so overwhelming that at least another couple of great movies could be made around it.

Nay, Hezog IS God.

You said that already

And is the new guy yet another guitar player or is he playing keyboards or something? This line-up change sure went unnoticed for one of indie rock's most notorious bands.

Yep, you got that one right @avclub-985d212e6afdce1ea7dc206c8d1963a1:disqus . Not to mention that last year's Lotus Plaza album beats the hell out of Atlas Sound's last one.

And the only thing for us to lament is a rare case of CancerAIDS, can Devendra Banhart say the same?

I think very few people notice how Banhart's albums have always been spotty. A couple of good songs bundled with several subpar ones. Perhaps the dfference, from "Smokey rollls down thunder canyon" on, is that those other songs have been very shitty.

From the tone of their voices, you can see that none of the band members is all that happy to be involved. One wonders, who did they sell they soul to? Was it those half-japanese girls, perhaps?

Come to think of it, a premature death still is the best retirement plan in most styles of rock'n'roll.
That said, Iggy's live shows continue to kick major ass to this day.

Bueno, es la primera crítica a un libro latino que veo aquí. Excepto Bolaño, claro.

@avclub-5464de04a20d6f48ab22695edf00475e:disqus I see a pretty clear link between "Water's edge" and the rape of the Sabine women, a Roman myth that was a rather common theme in painting for some years.
For me that track stands among the best 3 in this album (the other two being "Higgs Boson Blues" and "Finishing