
It's a great album, though I agree that Cave's lyrics lately do walk a very thin line between the ridiculous and the sublime. True, that was his approach from the get go ("Tupelo", anyone?), but I mean plain old shittyness as is the case of his last novel.

I don't know why I'd like to think the song sounds like a throwback to their "Evil Heat" sound, though it's too melodic and not techo-industrial at all. Anyway, I just hope it ain't a red herring, just like "Can't go back" was.

No, not the bees?

Yet another successful Compton Business School alumni.

I think Brazil's BOPE could rise to the challenge.

I was kinda expecting that to come up in Spike Jonze's video for "Otis". A Scrooge McDuck style dive… Alas, an opportunity lost.

That's an interesting point @avclub-9972c46d0d80cfb94c14d0f62345b01e:disqus   I keep thinking that we are just experiencing a mainstreaesque layer of the contemporary artistic experience. That, a few years from now, we will discover a whole bunch of out-there stuff happening on the true fringes of media and

I think Cox was being tongue-in-cheek pretentious there. At least that's what I hope and choose, to believe.

Is that the name of his horse, Lucky?

I think that Haynes, with that jump you mention, was trying to show a 1984-ish world where "square" rock won. It was the non-descript music that could soundtrack the repressed world Bale's character inhabited then. To a point, it wasn't the same person behind Mawell Demon.

Todd Haynes made Batman and The Joker play the same character in his next "legendary musician's oblique biopic"

Cool color pattern on the beard, Doug!

It could be.

Yeah, I've listenned to the album with headphones, through a hi-fi audio system, using the shitty laptop built-in speaker, via YouTube… and it's amazingly consistent. I remember Kevin Shields mentioning that aural consistency as one of his goals when doing the mixes. The kind of audiophile BS one easily dismisses, but

My only question is: Had it come out in 1993 as planned, showing the world that MVB was fully capable of delivering another "Loveless"-level album, would there have been several other MVB albums along the years?

Is it okay if I use that uncannily-similar-looking Windows 95 wallpaper instead?

The only similar thing that comes to mind is "Detox"… but it ain't out yet.

Lorenzo Lamas, por supuesto