Muthafuckin Henry

Got em

Yeah, sometimes I think "I can't wait until I'm old and have no desire to bang" but apparently it doesn't work that way, or at least not for everyone. I can't imagine anything more miserable than being, like, 80 and horny.

If you don't like sex or don't see the need or whatever that's great, but it's so silly to pretend like it's just another choice. As if some people like Coke, some people prefer Pepsi, and some people don't wanna fuck. It's literally the reason why every single one of us is here and we are all hardwired to want it.

That was a great choice regardless of his reaction.

Yeah, she rules.

> no one should ever be able to use "but me just love these chain restaurant's wings so much!" as defense for anything

I think the Grammys and what the kids love are a disjoint set

Mmmm, exoskeleton

Oh yeah? Well, I've seen more. I mean, uhh, hmm. WHATEVER SHE SUCKS

Holy shit. I haven't been keeping up much with this current generation of games, so that's very impressive

Food opinions are the only opinions worth having

Sounds sort of like tomato pie, which as far as I know is a SE Pennsylvania/New Jersey thing. Super good. The sauce is typically somewhat sweet and there is some parmesan on top (not real parm, the green can sprinkle-cheese stuff)

She sucks

Man, I'm now obsessed with the idea of being rich enough to have a house just to shit in. That would be so baller


She is such a babe. No idea who the other guy is

It's fucking embarrassing.

THIS IS LIKE WHEN VOLDEMORT WENT TO THE SHIRE AND THEN fuck i can't do this i don't know enough harry potter shit


She got yelled at so she's good now