Muthafuckin Henry

That's cool. It would be even cooler if she voted *against* Trump's nominees.

I expect this to be the standard liberal stuff about privilege and so forth (never ever mention class or material reality!), but I'm certain the backlash is ten million times worse


Yes, although I couldn't get into the "Call of Cthulu" stuff. There is a recent premium one with Amber Frost that super good

Heat is soooooooo good.

Kanye, I love you but shut up dude

Fuck em.


Interesting! To me blue cheese has never tasted like anything besides a weird sorta-medicinal, sorta-stale flavor. It's not even an unpleasant flavor, it just doesn't even taste like food to me.

I'm also intrigued by the rinsing of onions. It makes sense, I'd like to try it too.


Fuck blue cheese altogether, but especially in guacamole.

Leaving the bone in is dumb imo.


Just shut the fuck up dude

How I (Nearly) Saved America By Inviting Lena Dunham to do the Nae-Nae on the DNC Stage

"I MAY NOT BE behind a Breathalyzer, but I fucking BLEW IT"


Sure, and I think there are good reasons for that. But luckily I'm just some dumb asshole on the internet!

That sounds pretty sad