Wait, I thought we wanted to encourage debate and hear both sides, etc, etc, blah blah blah blahblahblabhlabhalbhalbhalh
Wait, I thought we wanted to encourage debate and hear both sides, etc, etc, blah blah blah blahblahblabhlabhalbhalbhalh
"Nowhere is the index finger wielded as indiscriminately as it is in lackluster comedies."
Yeah, good point. Nobody can edit anything there anymore
Mm, don't think it's really about "surprise"
But they'll never touch any of those 5,000-word articles about every single minor character in every anime ever. Which comes as a relief
Probably when "Jackass: The Movie" came out
There are a bunch of shops where I live that sell nice used furniture, with a lot of it being in the style I prefer (mid-century). My couch rules and I think it was $550. (I guess some people would be weirded out about not getting new furniture but I'm a dirtbag so I don't care.) I have in the past spent a little over…
Hope she puts on a HILLARY 2020 jumper and makes a stupid """"rap video"""" next
Be rad if she went to some protests or did like I dunno anything really
We're all doomed and we're supposed to take these two yutzes as comfort 😩
Pho? Ramen? Pozole? Hello?????
Dems: Drumpf!!! LMAO!! Small hands lololol
Rs: We just made it illegal to have less than $100,000
Ay yi yi
His show is a disaster. He brings on these Republican meat puppets who are dumb enough that should get lit up, but they often end up scoring points with really crap arguments because he's so clumsy. It actually is bipartisan, in exactly the way we need much much less of.
Basically just that he argues extremely poorly and it's very frustrating to watch. In the run up to the election I saw an episode where he and Sarah Silverman basically argued that America was actually doing really well and stuff was awesome. I mean how out of touch with reality can you get.
Fuck Bill Maher. I mean the other guy is a billion times worse of course.
He's empty compared to who, exactly? All the MIT postdocs in the Screen Actors Guild?
Lack of body fat helps a lot with that, but I know what you mean.
Don't give that piece of shit a platform, come on.