
Yeah, well our senator Ted Cruz goes to state fairs and takes bets on how many children he can eat!

English, mate! Speak it!

I mean, it was still a high likelihood of nuclear holocaust, but it was different, more innocent, you know?

"Do . . . do you think you could my wife and apologize for me? She'd totally take me back if you did it, bro."

God damn the Mooch Era seems SO. LONG. ago already.

Boy spring sure turned into summer, huh?

Yes. Not in my part though; nothing like spring of last year at least.

Boy that Cussing Nuns movie came and went, huh?


Does Better Things have a return date? Or is it returning at all?

Generals, due, etc.

[Walks up to the Broad City sex toy booth.]

I was already giving "proactive" the sideye when the episode aired. Also the corporate executive in this episode looked eerily like my boss, complete with power suits and that obnoxious bow, and she used "proactive" religiously (at a data entry job, no less!).

I don't doubt it. With Obama, all he ever had to do was say "no." He got to tear everything down without being accountable to actually do anything in return.

While I do agree that there is generally a weird sort of camaraderie among senators, I don't think that's the case at all with McConnell. He seemed to genuinely detest Obama. He cited his proudest accomplishment as the day he looked Obama in the eye and told him he wouldn't get to replace Scalia. Obama repeatedly

Ted McGinley stepping in as Don Connor!

Wrong hot redhead!

For the last time, NOT GROWING PAINS.

That's a great scene. I remember the audience going apeshit when that happened.

I remember your fury back then well.