Warren Perso

Michael Keaton is the real star of The Other Guys. This is a fact. Choke on your rape whistles if you disagree.

The musical accompaniment to the Blue Oyster Bar scenes still routinely pop into my head from time to time…

So they're not casting the offspring of Porkins, then?

Nah the moment's passed.


Damn you, I came here to post exactly this!

Just the fact that it's a summer blockbuster not centered around a superhero automatically bumps this up to a B for me. 

Man of Sleep…

Who plays Nuclear Man?

Come on, mbs. Two forty year old guys in this day and age who are so completely clueless to internet culture that they refer to it as "on the line"? Ironic you mention Glengarry Glen Ross, because this is the kind of movie I could imagine being made with Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau in their late nineties, "Out to

I really can't get my head around how fucking stupid this premise is.

Dan Aykroyd would like to remind you all that Ghostbusters 3 is still happening, and it's going to be the best one yet!

Not only did the shark track Mrs Sheriff Brody from Amity to The Bahamas, he also got there before her…

I'm looking forward to Fast and Furious 18 being set in Winnipeg. Will make a nice change of scenery after Fast and Furious 17's jaunt to Perth…

For all the hate Part II gets, it passed the time on my Melbourne to London flight well enough. Helps that I had completely forgotten the first one, I guess…

Actually that's an incredibly well reasoned, articulate argument. So much so that I genuinely wish I could agree with you. It's been years since I've watched Wrath of Khan and even longer since I've seen Space Seed, so it's hard for me to make the more intricate thematic connections between them all. I will say that I

Wow I'm amazed at the generally positive comments in here. I thought the movie was flat out terrible. All the clunky exposition, baseless pandering to 'Wrath of Khan' without a clue as to why those moments were iconic in the first place. The absolute waste of Khan himself as a villain (sorry, Nero destroyed goddam

If this was AICN, Harry Knowles would have just fired you, Dowd…

This surprises you?

I don't understand how The Amazing Spider-Man generated enough interest for a sequel? Interest in it seems to be muted at best and it made less money than even the universally hated Spider-Man 3. Is it simply throwing good money after bad to hold on to the rights?