
Who are Tim & Eric and why do they look like Studio 54 refugees?

Yet more proof that Hollywood is filled with empty-headed empty suits who wouldn't know originality if it was shoved up their ass. What's next, a 'reboot' of Harry Potter?

Another classic 'cut and paste' movie is the original 'Godzilla', in which American Raymond Burr is edited into a Japanese monster movie. The results were only marginally better than White Gorilla.

Absolutely the worst episode of this show EVER.

Judging from those saucer-sized eyes it looks like Ms. Fisher is back on the blow again.

O'Neal, you've reached new, previously unobtainable heights of sarcasm and snark with this post, you magnificent bastard.

I love Courtney Love. I want to marry her and have wild, drug-fueled sex with her every three hours, while sticking pins in her ass cheeks as she bites me. I must have her.

Note to Matthew Modine: don't forget to detach your lips from Mr. Nolan's ass at the end of the day, as he has an important engagement to which you are not invited. And remember, shooting starts at 6AM tomorrow and Mr. Nolan will require a 5:45AM blow job from you. Thank you.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Ah, who am I kidding? Nobody except the actors relatives gave a rat's ass about this show.

Mr. Cooper looks as vacuous in the rendering as does in real life.

I try to like this show; Deschanel is amusing. But the guys are so fucking annoying I'd like to kill each of them slowly, with a very sharp machete and then attach their entrails to my bumper and drive up and down the Las Vegas Strip.

The Oscars haven't been this relevant in decades. The Academy should send Ratner a big check just for the free press. And then, after their upcoming broadcast, they should go away forever, since no one has given a fuck since 1986 or so.

Alderman Ross was obviously referring to Alverson's perhaps thinking of voting with Kane (the referenced turkey) while commenting on Alverson being a chicken who's never struck out on his own. And to wish that these characters act like 'normal' people is somewhat ridiculous. Anyone who has ever had any dealings with

Oh, that Franco. He's such an adorable scamp.

For those too young to remember

Elvis is everywhere! Mojo Nixon was right!

If FleshLight is ultimately successful in its desire to market a replica of the LiLo vag I hope they include the dank, odious, sepulchre-like odor that surely must emanate from her filthy, stale-urine encrusted orifice.

This news makes my soul feel like a lonely, deserted highway in the middle of Nevada on a cold, moonlit night in December. Actually I always feel that way, but what the hell, I'll blame it on that bastard Bruckheimer.

This sweet-faced young star's decision has inspired me to settle down as well and stop banging drug-addled whores and find a good, sexually repressed Christian fundamentalist woman.

No, she becomes a nun and lives a long, peaceful life of religious fulfillment and crucifix masturbation.