
This isn't really a thing, is it?

Dude LOVES noise.  He seriously spent thousands of dollars buying rare noise "lathes" and splits off of ebay from me.

Good, his non-Black Flag music sucks. His stand-up sucks. His spoken word CD's suck.   His tv show sucked. His acting sucks. He sucks.

Good. Dude's had a fucking horrible time with all his bombed movies (Extract, Idiocracy) and cancelled shows (KOTH, B&B reboot, Goode Family which no one even remembers) and cancelled other-ventures (Animation Show isn't going on anymore is it?).  I'm a huge fan so it's good to see him working, and with HBO, perhaps


She's hot.

He came out of his momma's pussy, he on welfare. His corpse is disintegrated and holographs are displayed of him; he's STILL on welfare.

who the

Sigh missing so many great HBO shows like hardcore tv… at least it DOES haeve sex feet under…

SO, ERIC ANDRE and the sparodic OFF THE AIR episode airings looks like it'll be the onlyadult swim shows worth fucking with..


Also, instead of doing a kickstarter for his $0 films or something lame, Adam Cooley posted about trying to get his last little experimental film — always filmed on stolen or borrowed or rented for free equipment with $0 on freeware programs; dude does musicals with sound recorder and animations with mspaint —

that night marchers album sure does fucking rule doesn't it. as much as I love pitchfork, obits, hot snakes, rocket, and jehu.. night marchers might sorta be a bit better than all of em cept da mighty snakes…

Speaking of great hbo shows, why didn't anyone like IN TREATMENT? What a great show! And it could've went on forever times ten…

Seeing you mention ONP is pretty surprising and awesome. Just… doesn't seem like the kinda music you'd cover, though it IS amazing so hey… guess good music is universal?  Dude is coolest dude ever to be in a popular group, he msg'd me once to talk about ikaruga and was rad as FUCK… CHECK OUT HIS SKYRAMPS stuff

Thanks for continuing this sexiesness. Your reviews — with my new work schedule that means I can FINALLY THANK GOD watch Mad Men, and later Breaking Bad, as it airs and not just in torrent 0's and 1's land!!!!!!!!!!! — are heartbreakingly ruling.

her. her.. HER BOOBS

Current must see film is either  Post Tenebras Lux  or Giuseppe Andrews's new one "Acid Sex" (great especially after reading his 661 page book TEEN TOW), or Brother Quay's new one MASKA (finally available on the nets), or hell, AC's new one "[FIN DE CINEMA] (aka decay starts when growth stops akakakakaka this is not a

two times WHEN  I saw scream 2— two of the 3 times I saw it in theaters (hey, I was 11-12!) — and when i SAW blair wtch roject [once] — there were crazy masked psychos — aka theater employees — that would run up and down the aisles and scream and randomly grab people and shit as Ghostface; Blair Witch project went