
For some reason I thought i read "a soft drink that's trouble for DXM".

Fez was kinda sorta a bit meh, in compared to its hype machine.. hell I'd rather play Battle Kid, and I need sturmwind like a hard dick needs pussy, like metal to a magnet basically…. but THANK YOU SO MUCH for being mentioning, Mindsploitation… I'd never heard of this and I'm now buying it off of amazon.com in between

and here the Friedmans would've been such better parents..


tom green's "Hollywood causes cancer" is one of the best books I've ever read period.

"Change For A Dollar"  … best.

"The demise of Frank Grimes is handled in a cruel jump cut,"

Shit show now.

Films I've enjoyed the longest/seen the most times:

Decent list. pROPS for lET my puppets come. You missed some huge ones, though… Aside from PFFR's Wonder Showzen, PFFR's Christian hand puppet documentary HANDS OF GOD seems like a no-brainer. Let's also not forget my namesake, SIFL AND OLLY!!!!!!!!

*scene opens to fox exces cosplaying as john walsh*

Thanks for this list, as I don't usually pay attention to upcoming films (except for new Godards, Kaurismakis, kitanos, Tsukamotos, Fukuis, Kar-Wais, or iSHIIS) — when they're coming out and what they are — though it pretty much confirms for me that the only film FOR ME that I want to fuck with is only god forgives,

me not being able to skullfuck shawkat is a low point in my life.

The show — EVERY SHOW EVER — is more accessible than ever thanks to dvd burning/torrents/youtubes/highspeeds/etc, so it's highly probably likely probable and likely that the show — indeed, the aforementioned 'every show ever' [non-caps version; still relevant] — has more newer, young fans than ever in its history,

Ayo whattup you back in the presence of that muthafucka wit two iron midgets for hands. In case you forgot I go by the name Big Ghost aka Phantom Raviolis aka Shampoo Bracelets aka Cocaine Biceps aka Thor Molecules aka Galaxy Knuckles aka Spartacus Deluxe

You mean the garden that you can only get to after beating the game over and over to raise your grip strength?


Some Rare games… like that island on Goldeneye's first level.. holy FUCK WAS THAT AWESOME. An empty island with a gun turret JPEG and nothing else!  HOLY FUCK! 

You mean, holding up a sword and  riding towards some light?