
*shrug* Time means nothing in comment land. OTHERWISE they'd close this shit

I LOVE this film. Maybe they should have entitled it Ambulance Driver though, heh (sorta joking).

I love this movie. Great anti-climax.

splitting heirs?

Heroin's alright. I prefer shooting morphine and dilaudid, and eating fentanyl.

So, his character in "Before The Devil Knows You're Dead" is pretty true to life then?

This season has been consistently unsatisfying, offputting, strange as fuck, and ridiculous.

One of my least-favorite of the usually-excellent Batman animated movies. I know it was made way after Animated Series ended, but I wonder if you're going to do the Red Hood movie..


Why the FUCK did they remake pusher?!

Agreed. I found it was a bit insulting, honestly.  I didn't realize people still gave a fuck about internet hype, basing their actual opinion — genuinely CHANGING HOW THEIR BRAIN REACTS TOWARDS SOMETHING'S QUALITY OR LACK THEREOF — on what some nerd with a dot com thinks.  I thought the bloghype era was dead, dying

He's too Scott Pilgrim.

Why would some retarded nerd's review of a (good, though a bit overrated — online! IRONY!) show change ANYONE's personal opinion of a show?

Your bad review for Only God Forgives still makes it sound more awesome than the "good" movies.

I will watch them in the order of the Files on utorrent finishing downloading.

I really have to wonder if anyone out there truly gives a shit where Springfield "is".  I guess so.

They've ALL sucked, though. Anything with Galifanakis in it sucks a lot, so..

Kinda reminds me of THe Sopranos' final seasons, with "Test Dream" comparisons being probably a bit obvious. I'm not going to make that specific comparison, but I will say that this is a show that's comfortable enough to take some insane, far-out chances, and make them compelling — if a bit, overall, unsettling and
