Same mind, Scrawler. Oh, my god, I'm so angry Jareth never came for me.
Same mind, Scrawler. Oh, my god, I'm so angry Jareth never came for me.
Yo, you just pulled me out of semi-permanent lurking so that I can say - hey man, the forgiveness mantra preached by American culture is bullshit. No victim of sexual assault need attempt a "sincere attempt at absolution." There's a difference between refusing to let an attack ruin your life and forgiving the bastard…
I would watch the FUCK out of any Diana Wynne Jones property come to life. Howl's Moving Castle, even with its stupid changes to make it about some war rather than Howl's ego, was fun on film. Crestomanci or Cart and Cwitter? Yes, please!
I had to stop playing Killer 7. Horror games usually don't do too many terrible things to me, but that game was fucked up in other ways.
Your post has led to a whole thread of near-nekkidness, spic. Congratulations!
So many.
As a fellow Kansas Citian, let me throw in a hear hear! at this plan of secession. We can bring the better parts of the Kansas Metro Area with us.
I read all of these books as a kid (Billions for Boris, BTW, is probably the best of the three - I love that the kids find this future-vision TV set and use it to, of all things, bet on horse races). I always was a little disappointed by the movies because of how great Ellen is in the books - when Annabel finally has…
Oh, shit, I need to check my privilege. I didn't even think of the racial angle. I watched that scene thinking "why is he so angry at them? I mean, I get not paying attention to a couple of inmates wanting to rat out a guard, but he seems extra pissed at the idea…"
Ah, Cherokee. Where one can still see Unto These Hills, which every ten years ago gets a small update to try to scrub out some of the racism. Whoo!
Okay, so I'm many months late, but I also saw Jefferson Mays in A Gentleman's Guide and can I just say that he KILLED it. Fucking amazing performance. I have no idea how he hasn't died of a heart attack yet from all the running and costume changes necessary for that show.
Saw Fury Road this weekend.
That was a ropy man ass, sir. Not high on my man ass list.
I certainly agree that the show balances the sex out better. I see the sex and cuddle scenes in the books sort of how I believe fans of ASOIAF see the excessive meal and clothing descriptions - most are kinda unnecessary and slow the story down.
I am sorry. If it's any consolation, you would have this immediately spoiled for you if you read the dust-jacket of the second book. Which is what happened to me.
Yes, I can. Sorry, I was hoping the spacing would help. I'll make the spoilers tags larger.
I'm a big ol fan of Roger, so I was pleased to see his babby form.