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Two weeks late, but my significant other and I met and spoke with 3/4's of Cut Copy after their show. Given that I'd been waiting since high school for this concert, it was surreal, awesome, and I look like a goofy ass motherfucker in the pictures we took I was so starstruck.

Souls of Mischief- Trilogy
Pete Shelley- Telephone Operator
Pink Floyd- Mother (The Wall Work in Progress)
David Bowie- Cracked Actor
Clams Casino- The World Needs Change (Soulja Boy)
Ying Yang Twins- Wait (The Whisper Song)
Ween- What Deaner Was Talkin' About
A Flock of Seagulls- Space Age Love Song

Well, it looks like I just picked a whole bouquet of oopsie-daisies. (Accidentally responded to you, Dikachu, rather than the shuffle thread)

It’s just Community. Community and their adventures, Jeff. Community forever and forever. 100 years, Community’s things. Me and Community running around, and Community time. All day long forever. All a hundred days. Community forever a hundred times. Over and over, community.com. www.community.com. www.community. All

♫ Do the M. Night Twist

All of the likes for 'Sylvia'.

She Ain't Speakin' Now- of Montreal
Turbulence (Remix)- Deltron 3030
Voodoo- Frank Ocean
True Thrush- Dan Deacon
Words I Don't Remember- How to Dress Well
Mission Statement- Domo Genesis

White Denim- "Regina Holding Hands"
Gorillaz- "Pirate Jet"
Tom Waits- "Get Behind the Mule"
Talking Heads- "Once in a Lifetime"
Dr. Dog- "Broken Heart" (Not really a fan of them in general in my defense)
Tears for Fears- "Head Over Heels"

Despite loving "Hospice," "Burst Apart," and "Undersea," with all my being, I really didn't feel Palace at all. Excited to hear that the album as a whole stands up to their past work.

Fair enough, and those are totally valid concerns. With regards to the characters themselves, I guess it just comes down to Pamela feeling comfortable enough around Louie, and understanding that he was at a loss of how to express himself and did something terrible, although through no malice on his part. Is that

You're clearly a Venture Bros. fan, you ought to be used to this kind of thing. At this point, I have no problem if my favorite shows take off two years between seasons, if it means getting the stellar programming that Louie and Venture have given us.

Bender Bending Bukowski, your avatar is incredible- it was my significant other's Facebook cover photo for a while.

Not to be that guy, but it was last season. Maybe you're thinking of the Dane Cook segment in season 2?

I think what has been difficult for most people is making the distinction between Louis C.K. the man, and "Louie" the character. The show isn't written to universally portray the guy in a positive light- off the top of my head, "So Did the Fat Lady," was happy to call Louie out on his bullshit. So having that scene

As with every Pamela episode, I'm a bit of an emotional mess right now. This moment has been building since 2010, and thinking about how much I've projected my own life onto the show (being a slightly overweight, underachieving cantankerous white guy has helped tremendously, as well as having a Pamela of my own), and

I'm not quite sure about my first kiss, but the first time I ever made out with someone, she was four years my senior, I was drunk for the first time, and I couldn't help but brag about it for the following year. 8th grade was crazy, y'all.

Liked for "I Blame Myself," the only track off that album I still have in regular rotation.

Liked for Numbers on the Board.

Look at you laughing, like a heffer to the slaughter.

Ehh, "It's Blitz!," is the only YYYs album I've listened to in in full, and I think as a whole it's okay. But fuck if those first three tracks aren't incredible.