Wright Lawyer

The Clash- Washington Bullets
David Bowie- A New Career In A New Town
Glass Candy- Miss Broadway
Daft Punk- Motherboard
OutKast- Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik
El-P- Sign Here (Instrumental)

They've certainly got the horns for the gig!

The avatar-comment synergy is strong with this one.

I remember there was an AVQ&A about this very subject a while back, and my feelings on the subject have changed every couple years, but "Heroes" by Bowie has, and will most likely continue to be, a constant.

Currently listening to:

Without rehashing the whole story, and/or finding the post in some obscure AVQ&A from years past, my parents would play aforementioned intro to get me stop crying as a infant. Apparently it worked flawlessly.

The Pogues- Fairytale of New York
Bonobo- All In Forms
Big Audio Dynamite- Medicine Show
Dilated Peoples ft. Kanye West- This Way
Pearl Jam- Better Man

As I've written about numerous times on this very site, "Country Feedback" is proof positive that "Out of Time" doesn't deserve the critical and fan thrashing it so often receives.

This episode, along with the next four, are easily one of my favorite superhero stories ever told. I re-watched them this past weekend in preparation for this review, and although nothing beats reaching the climax of a story two seasons (or five series?) in the making, they still more than hold up on their own.

Bon Iver- Woods
Cut Copy- Saturdays (Reprise)
Santigold- Shove It
Moby- Run On
The xx- Chained

As is generally the case with this sort of thing, the source material is exponentially better than the movie. It doesn't help that Michael Cera kind of played "What the audience expects of Michael Cera," rather than Scott Pilgrim. That being said, I enjoyed it on its own terms.

Personally, I'm still holding out for a Joseph and his Technicolor Nightmare Coat musical.

Would you like to talk about it? I, too, know the terrible pain of loss. The hollowness one feels when one is just going through the motions of life. Like a living ghost, or a robot.

Contrary to popular belief, not all non-radio hip-hop has to sound like Das Racist or Saul Williams (although I do love both).

Hold up, do you mean to say that hip-hop is akin to any other musical genre or artistic medium?


In my time around the block, I've met people who a.) claim that their favorite movies are the Transformers films, b.) prefer Limp Bizkit's cover of "Behind Blue Eyes" to the original, and c.) have attended several Nickelback concerts.

The seven seas?

…just driving around, listening to raps and shooting all the jobs…

Watched Andre 3000 and Big Boi do their thing on stage- it was easily the closest thing to a religious moment I've ever had from live music.