not blood red

I remember when I saw this I felt very unaroused by the hot women in states of undress, because they were mentally disabled. But maybe I'm misremembering..

I always like this part, but when I watch it with others it never gets a huge laugh:

Salinger is now apparently writing short short stories about the Contact-Lens family

I saw this alone, on my birthday, kinda depressed about being alone on my birthday, and then I got into a major traffic jam on my way home from the theatre. I still have fond memories of the film and nice birthday memories linger. I haven't yet revisited it, though. I think I might do it soon.


The 'burgers
A League Of Their Onions
Sleepless In Seapple Pie
You've Got Trail Mix

There are questions in this thread that I don't want to have to answer..

Die, you evil robots!! Die!!

Well that's the end of *this* suit

^ I posted the above comment before I saw the New Cult Canon entry on The Big Lebowski, and all the toe-related comments involved.

You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me.
Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o'clock this afternoon. WITH nail polish.

"Fuck Bitches" is more of a guideline than a rule

Remember that time Woody Allen stole that nose and ran over it with a bulldozer? He should make a movie about that.

I had the same experience with Match Point. *SPOILER ahead, but Just a Nigga that Likes Titties already said it* I felt it getting tenser and tenser and then the shotgun came out and I was like "whoa shit, did I turn two pages at once?"

When I miss your lips, I'll put a pig on my mouth and think of you..

:: doesn't bother lifting seat up ::

Are you thinking of "All My Circuits: The Movie"? You could choose between Calculon:
A. taking part in a violent lasergun battle, or
B. doing tedious paperwork

Who wants a banger-in-the-mouth?

I mean: Who are those girls?