not blood red

teadoust obviously hasn't seen 40 Days And 40 Nights

Join me or die!

I'm picturing a cute puppy dog version of the classic film "Sack Lunch"

^ Stereotypo

Hotel Dog! We have a wiener!


Glad I didn't spring for colour

Someone should accidentally double post this joke. I'm not the man to do it.

I cry all the fucking time at movies. I'm seeing The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas tonight and I'll probably cry at that, too. Anyway, these are the major crying movies I've seen (I know some have been said already):

^ One of my favourite parts, also

He thought he saw some wind in that air

I still have the first three on my bookshelf, even though the rest of my Stine collection is in a box somewhere. I kept them just because I love any scary story or urban legend about a babysitter. Anytime there is a young girl in a strange house at night with defenseless children upstairs, and the threatening calls

I'm meeting you halfway, you stupid hippies!

Yeah I tried that once on really expensive speakers and all of a sudden the sound got really tinny and I couldn't stop shitting my pants and I started to cry. bad times.

I'm on-a Mexican Radiohead


The B stands for BYOBB

Which is the one where he bangs a gong (and gets it on)?

Soon you'll be wearing my sword like a shish-kebab!

My friend not only made fun of me for crying during Jurassic Bark, but gossiped to other friends that I had "cried while watching an animated tv show".