not blood red

My favourite was when he was interviewing kids on spring break, and they were doing the vaguely homoerotic things that fratboys do, until Bruno said that they were on Austrian gay tv. Their reaction was pretty sweet.

I know him, and he does

Oh and the background starting to move so it looks like the train is pulling out, and then it turns out the station is moving and the train is standing still

I read about this scene where the Polack with no sense of taste has to judge a pie contest, and he ends up giving first prize to a mud pie. It's so lame.

"Deja Vu.."

Miller, I'd like to buy your rock

Yeah, and it was funny

You're not my principal, princibuddy

The question states that they didn't go after George W as directly as they did George H W or Clinton.

I think that was his brother Emmett

Sorry pally, this is Bronson

No, no, no.. it's spelt "Raymond Luxury-Yacht", but it's pronounced "Throatwobbler Mangrove"


Old People?

There's no Haim in Stand By Me

I operate every night with just one fist

Yeah, she's not heavy enough

Please nobody else repeat Sean's "wondering how the fuck.." line: it's making me weep, it's very exhausting..

I only just thought of this one, because I don't have a copy of it anywhere apart from maybe a cassette copy somewhere, but I think the Eels album Daisies Of The Galaxy would pretty much be impossible to listen to, due to an ex-girlfriend. I'm over her now but yeah, if I heard it I know if would bring me right back to

Yikes.. I thought I must have been emotionally stunted when I started reading this article, because I couldn't think of any songs that I can't listen to anymore. Then I kept reading and started crying. Now I can't stop weeping. Thank you all for sharing your stories.