not blood red

Who am I gonna build ramps for now?!?!?

Yeah but don't you think it's weird that they are both seemingly cool with the fact that they have both obviously been looking to cheat on each other?

Sam, are you pissing off the side of the building?

He got EP? Good for him!

I was just practising the thumb thing and I suddenly realised I was using my pointer instead of my middle finger.. guess it's been a while..

Oooh "Hand-to-gland combat" is good: it makes you sound tough!

Ann-hog's comin?

I tried to read LA Confidential but I had to give up, I got too confused by the style of writing. Should I try The Big Nowhere first, or should I give up completely?

I've been thinking of getting some wealthy..

Is the troll toll a raw fish?

Aww. This is the saddest worst moviegoing experience I've ever heard…

More like winbest

By sparing the rod?

Thirty seven?!?!?

I know, pheeze.. I'm scared too..


Who's up for some scrabbled eggs?

What in god's holy name are you blathering about?!?

You Know, You Don't ALWAYS Have To Have Anal Sex

Yeah! A real candy land!!