
Christ, I just ate a snack size bag of Fritos before I read this. Now I feel like I need to go take a shower or something.

Jeopardy keeps being pre-empted for the WS in my neck of the woods, and I'm so lame I couldn't even stay up till 11:15ish on Friday when it came on. Let's hope KC wraps up the series in 6 games so I can get back to my Jeopardy fix. In the meantime, thanks again for all of the recaps!!

After the altercation between team Survivor and the Flight Attendants, Survivor said something like 'There are words I'd really like to call them, but I won't'. That's a bad sound bite for white Southerners to say when talking about aggressive African Americans. Even if they didn't mean the N word (which I really hope

What Not to Prayer

This is some bullshit.

I got Gentleman Jim from Bob Dylan's song 'The Hurricane'. Then that song was in my head for the rest of the night. 'He ain't no Gentleman Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmm'.

I don't remember a non-elimination leg ever being this early in the race (though I have missed a couple of seasons here and there). It was so bogus!!! Though maybe the dentists will learn not to be so cocky now? We can only hope…

I was really hoping that David was just playing Victoria, but nope, seems like he's really just a complete rube.

On the plus side, we'll now get treated to another riveting anecdote from Dan. I started feeling really bad for him and just tried to mentally will him to stop talking. Alex was obviously so over the interview segment after that, that Shane just got the obligatory 'Good for you' and then he went back to the game.

I did the same thing, thinking Jackie Robinson was too easy (which apparently, it was not).

BF never watched this show with me until the beginning of this season. In a few episodes, he's gone from thinking this was some silly soap opera to losing it when they revealed Bishop was behind the PAC at the end of the episode ('What - no! He's thinks he can use her if she gets elected? NO!'). Have you ever watched

I loved that the cyclists went to the bar, but then they just showed them dancing outside on the sidewalk? Did they actually go in and have some drinks - did the producers think that would be bad to show or something?

My bf had no idea and thought I had been secretly watching HIMYM when I got that answer right away. I tried to explain about the huge brouhaha about the finale but he had never heard a word about it. So for some people it was probably a nearly impossible question and for others, ridiculously easy.

Josh seemed to be a pretty big sports fan and he didn't get the NBA coach part. However I suppose it's also possible that he's just a huge NFL pre-game show fan.

I had to read this 3 times to realize you were talking about Kung Fu Hustle and not Kung Fu Panda. Perhaps reading is not my strong suit either.

Plus a lot of kids are huge assholes, so really they shouldn't ALL be raptured.

LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU. You will not get me to rewatch this and ruin one of my treasured childhood movie memories. There is nothing wrong with this movie, do you hear? NOTHING!!!

Click it or Ticket, bro.

Did I miss it or did they not bother explaining how Jack got out of the kidnapping arrest? I suppose the 'I recognized the same touch on my shoulder' evidence from Charlotte was not very compelling?

Emily planted false evidence in her infinity box for Victoria to find, showing that she wasn't really that rich and was in the 'grifter' that Victoria always suspected she was. This was last season sometime I think when Emily was already married to Daniel. I can't really remember the reason behind doing this.