
I think Paladino also used the same 'I had NO IDEA that comparing black people to apes was racist' defense. Riiiighhht…..

I would just like to add that Lewis Carroll was a horrible answer on a number of levels. At least no one guessed Shakespeare this time.

My old boss back in MA used to use that word all the time! I literally have not heard it for probably 20 years.

At least write the name of a painting! How embarrassing…

Back when I was in high school, I loved the hell out of Courier — 3 page paper assignment and you only have 2 pages of material - switch the font from Times New Roman to Courier and voila!

I would argue 'White Wedding' is an even more inappropriate answer.

He also sounds incredibly surprised when they answer clues correctly. The way he says 'Correct!!' like he's shocked that they would possibly know the answers. I noticed he did this quite a few times with Karen last night.

How confident could he have felt in the category when he thought DiCaprio won 2 Oscars? Although loving the category and actually knowing answers are 2 different things I guess.

And he tries to go for the Arthur Chu bouncing about the board and he's TERRIBLE at it. I think in his first game he bounced around but still went top to bottom in all of the categories which pretty much defeats the point of the strategy. I can't believe he won again.

Perhaps the Jeopardy writers have cleaner, purer minds than the AV Club commentariat and never even considered that such a word would enter anyone's mind. It was the 1st thing I thought of though.

It's actually called Baggage Battles. I feel shame for knowing this.

And then after the category, Alex gave an extended Thank You to everyone that was ever associated with the freaking show. I was positive they were going to leave the last DD on the board at that point.

The Mayflower Compact is a piece of paper, not a company. It would be like answering 'The Constitution' when they were looking for 'Proctor and Gamble'.

I said abscond also and then bet my BF a dollar that they would come back and reverse it and give her credit for that answer. So then I looked pretty dumb.

My dad likes him, so I just assumed he had the 'over 50 white guy' niche locked down.

Don't forget to repeat the same phrase over and over again.

I have a serious addiction to buying Kindle books when they're on sale for like $2 or $3. I have such a backlog of books on my Kindle it's not even funny.

We had to do some stupid 'fun facts' about yourself for work and I wrote that the movie Babe makes me cry. Everyone thought I was joking but it's true. Every damn time.

Yul Brynner shirtless for 2 hours - no wonder your flag is waving.

Sounds like they need to tinker with the idea a bit more.