
When Sean dissed that short girl in the park, he lost me forever (not that I was that big of a fan to begin with). But what a dick.

'Matthew could have won this game if he had gone all-in for $5,000 on his DD, because the additional score would have put him within two-thirds of Heather’s total going into FJ. In that situation, he could have afforded to make a small wager and could have taken the victory when Heather missed.'

Denver, CO wasn't a triple stumper, it was a DD that the middle guy couldn't come up with. However that was pretty egregious in itself - if you start by thinking of the states that begin with 'C', how hard could it really be to get there?
I also think Heather may be a robot. It's 50/50 at this point.

I thought they were talking about Coach from 'Cheers' and didn't realize he had a wife.

Plus they were working the last 2 categories in DJ top down and not actually hunting for the last DD at all.
I could have had all night to think about that FJ clue and never would have come up with the correct answer. For some reason my brain got stuck thinking it was some actual historical figure.

Every time I read the comments on these articles, I feel like I really should start reading some more 'quality' books. Then I go buy another historical fiction novel for $1.99 on my Kindle.

The other day I was watching an older episode of Nova on Amazon (cause you know, I have a life) and there was a blurb that said to learn more, go to AOL and enter keyword: PBS. I busted out laughing.

I just can't imagine Courtney winning. I mean, don't they need someone remotely likable to be able to shill the cookbook and stuff to all the good folks who shop at WalMart?

Ugh, Papa John's. Can't get past the smug rich A-hole pretending to be one of the common folk on those commercials. You know, Peyton Manning?

I was thinking it's finally Willie's time to go tonight, but if the challenge is really frying then I might have to reconsider as that seems like it would be pretty much in his wheelhouse.

Probably not the best idea but I watched this after a few martinis last night and had no clue what was going on. The 2 sentence summary on the cable guide gave me more solid info than the episode. Still there were some really effective parts and I'm interested enough to check in again next week. Maybe after fewer

He was on One Life to Live at the time - he played a character who was banging his mother's worst enemy. I'm sad to say I didn't have to look this up, as I was 16 at the time and ABC soaps were my life. To your point, no I don't think he would have been the right person back then to take on Randall Flagg.

Wanting to watch this makes me feel bad about myself as a person. But I really want to watch this.

BF and I tag team to make a killer eggs benedict. I'm in charge of the hollandaise and he pretty much does everything else. I can't poach an egg to save my life (although I still think I would be better at it than Daniel last night) but I'm quite proud to say that I've never once had my hollandaise break on me.

I believe I may know every single one of these songs by heart. They will also now being playing in an endless loop in my head for the rest of the day. Thanks a lot.

He's actually kind of growing on me. I still would have preferred to see Ahran stay last week over him, but I wasn't actively rooting for him to lose. It was very unfortunate that the wrong team won last week and they didn't have the chance to boot Willie, Cutter, Daniel, or Jaimee.

Yeah, the 1945 stuff seemed a bit long in my opinion. I kept thinking 'Get to the time travel already!' I guess, being Starz, they had to make sure to get in at least 3 banging scenes. But once they got to the time travel it really picked up. I'll definitely continue to watch.

I watched the pilot and I never once thought 'Wow, this is just like Downton Abbey'. Maybe the next episodes delve more into something resembling DA, but other than being set in the past in the UK, I didn't pick up on any similarities.

She was much nicer when she came back on All Stars, trying to do some serious image rehab. I think her excuse for being a raging bitch the first time around was that she was going through a divorce or something.

We also got the now obligatory shot of Courtney's (sexy) high heels as she walked away from the (sexy) pasta judging.