Scott Tobias

My mistake. It's been changed.

@avclub-7adb6a50e7687b45a00b35796f18f17d:disqus My biggest issue with this movie is that it's incurious and not observational. It's pure agitprop, seeing not human moments but simplified case studies to hammer its points home. The film gives out lots of good information, but it lacks dimension.

Hey, my belly's full. If small children want to eat, they just have to pull themselves up by their tiny little bootstraps. Not my problem!

D'oh! I knew there was a third and I failed in digging it up. I give Van Damme a lot of credit for recognizing all that HK talent and trying to bring them over, even if those efforts met with mixed success.

Thanks, Gary. This has been quite a surreal 48 hours.



You may think my unbuttoned shirt is a mistake, but the real mistake was make-up failing to apply the requisite tufts of chest hair.

Wrong! Palindromes has a *continuity* that Life During Wartime does not. And that continuity is shared by the Atlas Shrugged movies, which follow the same narrative with a new cast rather than revisit those characters years later.

I dunno. I think they can turn it around with Part III.

In our defense, we needed something to offset the expense of hosting ElDan's comments through the unwieldy apparatus of an entertainment website.

D'oh! That's the letting-the-boom-mic-drop-into-frame of web photo posting. It's been fixed now.

Many, many movies worth seeing. He's a great director! Choose Me, Trouble In Mind, The Moderns, Love At Large, The Secret Lives Of Dentists, etc. Yes, he's done some absolute stinkers (Breakfast Of Champions and Trixie leap to mind), but I really love the guy.

*slow clap*

Please. He was also [redacted], which trumps all that stuff. And his getting some cool, order friends, etc. *does* help him, but doesn't (and couldn't) solve all his problems.

Oops. Sorry. I was under the wrong impression. Will make the change.


If you're going to make a joke, at least put emoticons all over the place to denote it as such. (But seriously. I doubt I'm the only one to take that quote as a dig at our institutional flip-flopping, right?)

Hi. I'm not Nathan Rabin.

We can use first-person in AVQA and those sorts of pieces, but it's verboten in formal features and reviews. (For good reason, methinks.)