Scott Tobias

Thanks. Awesome poem, too.

Thanks. And please do follow me. I'll resurface. (Just not at Sun-Times. Talk about big shoes to fill!)

I'm still reading! (Mainly because I've kinda wrapped most everything up around here and am just trying to look busy.) Thanks for this.

Thanks, Eric. Was great meeting you in SF, as sad as I was that Margot Kidder didn't materialize. We'll stay in touch.

This is an outrage. Culvers? Steak and Shake?

Holy crap.


One of my happiest moments was going to see The Room the first time it played at Music Box. People had printed out copies of the "viewer's guide" I had attached to the article (written by a group of L.A. superfans) and were studying up on how properly to experience that movie. Nothing like seeing your work (or theirs,

Thanks for your support here and elsewhere, Gary. I'll resurface soon.

@persia2:disqus Proceed with extreme caution.

Pretty much the best line of dialogue ever written there, Craig.

No plans for a book, unfortunately, but maybe I'll open an offshore account everyone can funnel money into.

Thanks. I am and will remain a horror aficionado and will hopefully get a chance to exalt those movies someplace else.

"I have a pretty clear idea whether I want to see the movie— whether you liked it or not." That, right there, is one of my primary goals as a writer (and reader). Thank you.

Thank you. And please do keep an eye open. You'd be surprised to learn that the film critic business doesn't set you for retirement at 41.

Be ever vigilant.

Wow. That's great, Craig. I really would love these pieces to exist in book form but there's just no interest in that anymore. (Why buy the cow, etc.) In any case, it was my best hope that readers would follow along at home like I did with Peary's books, and I'm obviously really happy that you did.

Thanks, Miller. You're one of the best. Appreciate you following along all these years.

Thanks. This is a far better post than your username led me to expect.

Thanks. I know they're looking hard for someone good for the position and I hope he/she brings something new and great to the table.