Lame Duck

I had to stop reading at this point, because I snorted my coffee up my nose. Very funny, and spot-on review.

The Rose
I saw Country Strong last week, and my first impression was "This is just like The Rose". Based on that, I put it in my Netflix queue (was suprised it wasn't available for Instant Watch), and will get it tomorrow. I remember seeing The Rose when it came out, and being blown away by Bette Midler's performance;

Negro copywriter?
Peggy mentioned at the beginning of the ep that she had to hire a couple of new copywriters. I couldn't help wondering if she's going to hire SCDP's first Negro staff member.
Another great episode. Sally's new haircut was great; Kiernan Shipka (?!) was absolutely excellent, again.

I liked this episode. It never occured to me that the hurricane should've been more focal to the plot. Let's face it, Miami deals with a half dozen hurricanes a year; they may do another episode that has a hurricane of such proportions that even Maddie leaves.
I also liked that Fiona seemed to be on Michael's side

C+ works for me
As a fan of this show, I completely agree with Todd's review and grade. As I was watching, I had the same two impressions: the cliffhanger resolution was incredibly quick and somewhat sketchy (it could have used the whole episode), and the biker story/characters was lame (although I did enjoy the

Mis-handled apology
Too bad her apology wasn't more along the lines of: "You know, I screwed up, and it was recorded. I said something I shouldn't have, and I apologize to any of the cast or crew of BL who were offended." Whole thing would've blown over.
I'm sure the lawyers at HBO helped her frame her "apology". Too

What about the people porpoises?
I'm not much of a football fan, but joined a SB party at halftime. I'm sure I saw a commercial where people were doing Shamu-type tricks in the water. Not even sure who the commercial was for.
I haven't seen any comments about that spot in either this review, or the comments. Since it

Excellent! I snorted coffee up my nose.

If you're watching for the first time, I suggest you turn on the subtitles (if you haven't done so already). This suggestion was given to me when I first watched, and I found that I picked up on quite a few things I would have missed.

I laughed out loud
when Phil complained "He's ALREADY ashes!" after Lem balked at leaving the urn on the car seat 'cause it was too hot.

Admiral cause?
I think you forgot a couple letters.

No apology needed; I agree. I've watched parts of this movie over the years when it was on TV, but it never impressed me long enough to stay with it to the end. It was OK, I guess, just not my kind of movie.
That being said, I'm suprised at the vitriol and personal lambasting of Genevieve because…she didn't rave about

It's all about the editing
Re: Robin - three things
1. I, too, have been subjected to stream-of-consciousness rambling from a person I worked with. It will make you crazy, especially if you don't have the luxury of earphones or a TV to block out the incessant chatter
2. That said, you wonder why one of the other chefs

I thought so, too, after seeing it the first time (although I wouldn't say it RUINED the film; I just didn't like that Harry wasn't immobilized in the pivotal tower scene). This time, I caught dialogue I apparently missed the first time, and didn't think it was quite so bad.
But then, I'm predisposed to like the whole

Harry Potter &HBP
Saw this for the second time, in IMAX 3D. I was blown away by the cinematography, as well as the effects. Hogwarts never looked so beautiful.

I'm sure it's pretty meaningless, but the SC can always call Katherine Harris if they're stuck.


The trailer was awesome, but…
…I kept waiting for that looooonnnnng chord at the end of A Day in the Life.

Metro Detroit
Although Genevieve's probably too young to remember this one, anyone over a certain age will remember Roy O'Brien's jingle:

TBL is one of those movies that I never saw, for one reason or another. I just received it fromNetflix today, and I'm looking forward to watching it many times. The clips were a great appetizer.