
Said document had dry ink upon it for many a forknight.

TROPE, courtesy of dictionary.com: "any literary or rhetorical device, as metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and irony, that consists in the use of words in other than their literal sense."

The Simpsons Movie was terrible, full stop.


The kids really strike me more as Subs.

Goddamn you, Van Der Werff

I agree that Connie has more than a touch of messianic nuttiness about his vision, but isn't there a kernel of plausibility about putting a hotel on the moon?

What are you talking about? Besides the Hilton account, Don botched almost everything in this episode. And you could see he seriously thought about throwing away the Hilton account b/c of the contract.

Depends what you mean by "after"
"And he's [Duck's] unmistakably a man after a string of boys."

Stingy stingy!
Jeez, Sims — a B+? This was a gold-plated episode through-and-through! Let's review some things you should have factored in:

It's a vestige of Dennis's trust-fund (via Frank) past, until Frank decided to get all gritty with the gang.

Coupla Thoughts
1) Every time Betty looks at that baby, I fell like she's about to shake the shit out of it. Maybe naming it "Gene" makes it a little more human?

RR, can you explain the corporate policy behind the whole singing-after-being-tipped thing ("Hey guys! We got a tip!")?

Wow, nd — I had the same exact job, but at your archenemy RiteAid. We didn't get very many Dirty Pictures. Chain pharmacy is a special kind of retail hell, isn't it?

::checks wikipedia::

I'm a Voit man, myself.

change your avatar.


pantaloons and buggywhips
Maybe I'm just absurdly old-fashioned, but I simply don't understand people picking children's names out of a book. Am I alone in coming from a family where there's a universe of like 15-30 names total you choose from, because those are the names a) used by the previous generations or b)