
I should have never given away the animation rights.

YES YES YES!!! Keep it up!

Goddammit David Caruso, I love what you do here so much.

Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

Walken, I feel the same way about Natalie Portman and Ellen Page. They seem both smug and oblivious at the same time.

I kinda understand that reaction, as he's probably been fielding that taunt for 20 years now.

that broad in the foreground
What the hell is THAT pose? "Fending Off Paparazzi While Pooping Outdoors"?

"If you're Jennifer Aniston, would you rather plug your stupid Rom Com to an audience at 10 (Leno), or a much smaller audience at 11:30 (Conan)?"

Fun fact — Tei Towa, one of the DJs in Dee-Lite, is a Zainichi Korean. He got the idea for GIitH from an heartworm advertisement in Engrish that was near the Tennoji rail stop in Osaka in the late 1980s.

Please relax.

Creating a wikipedia page — man, that's really committing to the joke. Bravo!

Leeharvey, it IS absolutely abysmal. My best description is that it's like a series written and acted by Michael Scott, but with no unintentional humor.

Who the FUCK likes to be the big spoon? What are you, RETARDED?!?!? It's terrible — high risk of arm falling asleep, greater exposure to gunfire, etc.

Nah, I didn't see the Walt/student interaction as an example of Walt's shoddy teaching. That kid wasn't even bothering to engage (srsly, even his plea for academic mercy was phoned in); he couldn't have taught him where the vending machines in the building were cuz the kid wasn't even listening. Dude could benefit


Emergency Broadcast System
I know I'm a little late to the game, and I know it's not technically a film or TV show, aaaaand it could have been mentioned in the 830 preceding comments,

MBS, I think Floyd Bent Son expressed incredulity at the pre-1985 thing is because you write like a 12-year-old on a Skittles and Pepsi Max bender.

No, I can't…
I'm too timid.

Whoa — "cool older chick"? In what universe does she qualify as older? Can you tell I'm a little touchy about my upcoming birthday?!?!

The QUIK-e MART is REE-ly…d'oh!