
There's no "possibly" needed in that sentence.

As much as I like Vikander as an actress, Mara should be Lisbeth. I like my continuity, goddammit!

Not to mention Jessica Chastain is magnificent. She really should play more scheming, cold-blooded women.

I watched this some months ago and it was truly one of the most amazing films I have ever seen. To watch it on a big screen… wow.

I agree with everything you said, besides saying that Takahata is better than Miyazaki. They both have their own animation styles, ranking them against each other feels inconsequential. Miyazaki is better known because his movies are more conventional and family friendly, but that doesn't mean that lessens his work.

"I love Miyazaki but you can always tell when a movie is a Miyazaki movie"

This movie is gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! Truly a masterpiece.

When Brooklyn and The Revenant are on that list and considering what won in past years (Argo, The Artist, The King's Speech), I think it's pretty defensible.

I think this movie is the best directing that Ridley Scott did in years; yes you can say Mars is not treated in a grandiose way, but there is a sense of quiet, haunting aloneness in those monochromatic wide-shots and the convoluted, difficult way Matt Damon's character established and maintained contact. I think that

Soulless performance? I think he did the best he could with what he was given, and I would love for him to take that Oscar from under I-ate-a-real-liver-Leo's nose.

Why isn't Sam Rockwell an A lister yet?

Divisive yes, but none outright terrible. I for one like them all to various degrees.

That sounds about right.

I'm behind the times. What the fuck is a lumbersexual?

Spotlight is indeed a very well-crafted film, but formulaic. It's a very serious, important issues sort of movie and delivers completely on that front, but a little more spark would've made all the difference.

Well, it definitely goes on my to watch list. It seems like good place to start with Claire Denis' filmography.

I think he and the guy who played Linder were the best things about that show, but yeah, Lillard acquited himself pretty well. Diane Kruger did the best she could considering what they did to her character.

Danny McBride? This is intriguing.

Eh, people are basically flying in this movie, I can take several deaths of a character. It's fantasy. I remember smirking at the passing of seasons stuff. I love it nevertheless.

It also had some pretty costume design and lovely shooting locations.