
Yorgos Lanthimos will have a show? Wow, I want to see that now.

Look, that movie traumatized me, I don't care what anyone says.

I have so many shows I'm behind on, and this list looks so good. Too much good tv, and so little time.

There's a trailer? Oh my, oh my. I can't wait

I've seen that. He really is.

Lore is one of the funniest/creepiest performances I've seen. I'm also particularly fond of The Offspring.

Apparently, they're never letting this show go.

I have only seen him as Data. What other stuff of his should I watch?

Data has the best episodes. The Measure of a Man in particular is outstanding.

Oh yes. Baroque craziness at its best. An unfairly overlooked movie and Chastain clearly had the time of her life doing it.

He was so incredibly pretty in this. I had such a huge crush on him.

Well yes, it's flashy and melodramatic, but it is well directed.

Don Hertzfeldt is amazing. It's Such a Beautiful Day made me cry, and very few movies manage to do that for me.

"Academy's complicated rules involving foreign cinema" which state that Hollywood is the centre of the film universe and everything else is negligible.

Leo always looks like an actor playing make-pretend. He's one of those actors who never disappears into his roles. He's Leonardo DiCaprio acting, and you're always aware of that.

I keep expecting Dane DeHaan to become the next best thing in Hollywood.

It's a video game.

I disagree. I think there are plenty of auteurs who could have done a better job with Interstellar, actually delivering on the philosophical goals that movie was set on without the cloying "love is everything" stuff. Two directors off the top of my head: Duncan Jones and Rian Johnson.

Incendies is very good also, and Prisoners is worth a watch; it works best as a thriller, nothing more than that.

Enemy is absolutely fantastic, and for my money his best movie, but I like experimental, personal movies more than conventional ones. I wish he would do more movies like it.