
This looks awful, but I'm still going to watch it. Ugh, I cannot help but hope it will have at least some good action scenes.

House of Flying Daggers was wonderful! Plot is overrated.

Spectre and Quantum of Solace are shit though unfortunately.

Ha Ha Ha! There was such a thing? Jesus.

It's too good a movie for the Oscars.

I saw the title and looked for the byline and I went "Of course. Who else?"

Just like he did with Hugh Keays-Byrne, eh?

You completely nail why I love it so much. And that gorgeous cinematography!

It has lots of tension, and not every movie needs characterisation or a convoluted plot to work. The importance of those characteristics is so inflated nowadays.

Star Trek incredible.

What's there left to be enjoyed in this world but complete nonsense?

I was one of those. It's deeply embarrassing.

HA! This is so accurate.

Oh, she's amazing. And yes, watch Person of Interest.

Christopher Waltz is so great in both those roles. I don't know of any other films where he is that good (Spectre, yikes). Also Uma Thurman, he got a really great character out of her.

Of course!

Oh, yes. One can say that all art movies are pretentious, but I love them because they aspire to touch some sort of truth, not only entertain. There's worth in trying to say something of note, even if it fails miserably.

Yes, almost despairing. I must watch it too. I've only seen it once, so a rewatch is in order.

Leaves of Grass. Oh, wait…

That scene is more blood-chillingly horrific than all the horror movies of the past years combined.