
Oh no, I disagree. It has nothing in common with Upstream Color, Under the Skin, Only God Forgives.

Oh, Shatner is just incredible.

To be fair, It Follows isn't that scary either.

I was scared of the Predators. Nasty looking fuckers.

I don't know why, but I have a soft spot for movies staring father/son and mother/daughter actors. Maybe I'll watch it with my mom, she likes Keifer Sutherland.

Kill all the Barbies! Kill them with fire!

Because people throw this word around with such easiness and it just feels like it doesn't mean anything anymore. Like "fascist" and "problematic".

Haven't seen it? ICP is right. All guttural noises and crampy facial expressions.

Not edited. It's an inflated mess that could've used some scissors.

"But what bothers me is that it's getting so much award attention/critical acclaim as opposed to some much more deserving films."

A Beautiful Mind is such a shitty movie and I hate it with a passion. 75%? Ugh.

I still maintain Leo's only good acting was in Django. Maybe Revolutionary Road too. But the rest of his performances are just basically the same.

Eh, there are movies that last 3 hours or more that have even less story to work with, but are critical darlings and wonderful movies. It's all in the craft of the filmmakers.

I guess AVC has a new troll.

I vote for abolishing the word "pretentious" when talking about movies. It just deflects attention from discussing movies in a mature, worthwhile way.

Oh come on. The Martian was solid, entertaining sci-fi fun. It didn't have any big, philosophical ideas, but that I think worked in its favour. And Matt Damon was great again after a very long while.

The problem here is that instead of showing Glass' relationship with his son, there were these flashbacks with his wife, who had no bearing on the story and everything got so muddled up. So of course the story feels empty, because we have no emotional connection to either Glass or his son. Why should we care about

No, no, he did ACTING.

There's a reason it's a cliche nowadays that great artists have some big skeletons in the closet. It seems being a bit messed up can fuel some really wonderful works.

Eh, that's par for the course for Old Hollywood and actresses.