
I don't think he particularly wants to convince the viewer to go or not to see a movie, he's more about capturing the essence of a movie in his writing.

I'm of the firm belief a movie is truly great when it strives firstly for the emotional reaction in the viewer. You can attempt to analyze it critically later, after you've processed the torrent of emotions it stirs in you.

And that really works in its favour.

Yeah, he's the only good thing about that movie. And it seemed like he had great fun giving that performance.

Frances McDormand's spectacularly nuanced performance too.

I saw no humour in Inside Llewyn Davis.

That's certainly valid for me.

Gilmore girls won't be the same without her. She was so wonderful in that.

I'm going to have to watch this. An apocalypse show with Rob Lowe as a priest, how can I not?

Gentlemen, you had my curiosity, now you have my attention.

I'd say Michael Pitt is the better actor.

He was steeled by the savage death of his family and his unquenchable thirst for revenge. That makes a dude man up in movie land.

'He's just so blond and working class looking!' Urgh.

How do you discover all these hashtags? Do you have a signal or something?

I unapologetically love the Kung-Fu Panda movies so I look forward to this.

Oh yes, I can choose the movies I like and I don't have to make compromises for other people's tastes.

I've been telling myself the same thing about opera for years. I've got to get on it as soon as possible.

Oy with the poodles already! and go watch the rest.

The Babadook is honestly the only horror movie in recent years to actually unsettle me. That screeching was viscerally unpleasant.

Oh, you have such entertaining, magical stories every week. And I hate that astrology nonsense also, it's always so hard not to start rolling my eyes when someone talks about it.