
Spotlight was good, but identical to countless other movies about journalistic research.

Law of Desire, Matador and Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down all star a very young, very hot Antonio Banderas. I think that's something you should take in consideration.

I really need to catch up on season 2 of The Musketeers. Such a fun show. And I agree with you, Ryan Gage is a hoot, his giant toothy grin never fails to make me laugh.

Sold! I've been looking for a sci-fi show to watch; I suppose Continuum is a better offering than most.

Main characters that will include a Chinese and a pregnant.

He speaks all the languages.

Crazy Eva Green is the best, and it seems this season there'll be plenty of that. And was that the guy from Orphan Black?

I like her in Birth, yes, also in Rabbit Hole. There's a sincerity there that lacks in her other roles. But even in these movies you know she's Hollywood actress Nicole Kidman acting.

I'm sorry, but his acting skills would be wasted in those kind of roles.

And Nicole Kidman.

They had to humanize him in the most facile way possible. They needed something to sustain the melodrama.

Plot is not by any means that important to the new Romanian movies. I haven't seen this one, but I expect the same dry, gallows humour too.

Yes, but oftentimes those fans kind of cross the line from affectionate sarcasm to entitled assholery.

Completely agree. There's also this emphasis on character and that shows.

This world we live in is to cruel to give us that.

Yes, I think that reduced roles would be a nice compromise to bring in new storylines and other characters to the forefront, but without them entirely only the young new cast would be left and that's not really enough. And yeah, Hugh Jackman Wolverine kind of overstayed his welcome even if he's wonderful.

Good for him. I don't see how that's a bad thing.

There's always room for Magneto as far as I'm concerned. I'd watch a whole movie only about Xavier and Magneto having all manner of wonderful adventures.

Well, that big pile of money can help you considerably in engaging in a lot of other activities that keep you from going insane.

That you're an incurable optimist?