
Mohd's name is Yamate or something as of late. I guess the name is fair game now.

That's quite the statement. Blue Ruin was nearly impeccable. I'm so hopeful for this.

To be fair it's omnipresent nowadays.

It was horrible casting. The guy can't act to save his life.

Poor Martha.

That can be said for the trailer of every superhero movie. Usually it doesn't fit very well.

I for one am very excited for the new Coen Brothers movie.

Wait, wait. It's official this is the last X-Men movie for Fassbender and MacAvoy? NOOO.

Didn't you want to say Predator?

"I told you so"

Good luck on trying not to get spoiled.

Watching a horror movie alone in a theatre. That must have been great.

Kafka is my favourite too. Such a crazy, indelible book.

The Wind-up Bird Chronicle is up there among the best of his books, right? I recommend Dance Dance Dance from your list, it's a nostalgic, relatively short book of his, that delves into his usual themes of loneliness, alienation and fragile human connection.

Good to know. I feel more like watching it now.

The empty theater experience happened to me once. I watched the animation The Illusionist. It was nice, but it felt a bit weird too.

Second your recommendation of The Proposition. Harrowing stuff.

Calvary was so amazing, you can even forgive the Italian prostitute character that is just… what? Yeah, great movie.

Cutting the scenes with Leo's wife would've made the movie flow a bit smoother. That character is superfluous and the scenes with her rang false.

I appreciate The Departed because it's one of the few movies that allow Matt Damon to play something other than dependable, honorable guy.