
Ah, to experience the glory of Justified for the first time! You're in for a treat.

I say it's worth seeing to get the full experience. With Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance there's no catharsis to be had, no release for the dreadfulness and violence, so I guess that it's what makes people reluctant to enjoy it fully.

I'd like to see Anomalisa as I love stop motion animation, but I'm a bit weary, it sounds so depressing. Everybody has only good things to say about it though.

The acting in Django was outstanding. I didn't recognise him at first either, he had this hateful and servile look in his eyes, which he doesn't use too often in his acting.

Nobody does.

Well, that's trickier. As long as she has her head firmly on top of her shoulders about the whole deal and doesn't expect too much of relationships with 26 year old guys I guess she'll be fine in the long run.

Eh, the girl is having some fun. Good for her. I bet it's only a phase.

Iron Man had the same character arc in every movie, always learning not to be a selfish asshole. If they could only let him grow as a character and not rehash every time what the previous movie did.

Well, that's good news. I may watch the new Spider-Man movie then.

I wouldn't hold my breath. The movie characters are paper thin, with no consistency or real development. They're just there to smack aliens in the face and throw quips at each other.

I dare say that every line Trish says is delivered unconvincingly, very fake. The actress is just not up to par, imo.

Don't forget the voice. Disturbing and hilarious at the same time.

They cast a 19 year old kid. Of course they'll do the boring origin story all over again.

Eh, not really. He comes off as a whiny prick in most of his movies.

I haven't seen ABC Africa; many of his documentaries actually. I should rectify that.

Yes to Olyphant and Goggins! Amazing acting. I miss that show so much already.

Tatiana Maslany is a legend at this point, she doesn't even have to be mentioned anymore.

Eh, John Hamm doesn't really have much to do in that show. Daniel Radcliffe managed to impress me for the first time though, with his complete willingness to come off as a total prick.

Upvoted for Vincent d'Onofrio. That was a powerhouse performance.

At last a role worthy of Charlotte Rampling. She wasted her time on the likes of Broadchurch for far too long.