
Cricket apparently has like 6 magazines under their banner, for various ages. I loved Cricket when I was a kid and tried to get my daughter into Ladybug (the age appropriate magazine) and she shunned it for Disney Princess magazine. I have failed as a parent.

I tried listening to the first one as an audiobook and it was SO BORING. Why were they ever a thing?

*hides cold gaze*


I dunno, does this really have enough meat to make for a good MST3K?

"peeks same"
Is this autocorrect of "pete's sake" or an actual mistake?

We use "everyone" at work; as far as we have been able to tell, if you call Giphy in Slack with "everyone" you ALWAYS get the gif of Gary Oldman.

Why isn't there a White History month?

I imagine you're aware so sorry if I'm sealioning, but the two major problems with it are
1) It takes the existing penalty for being uninsured and gives it to the insurance companies, rather than the fund.
2) It discourages healthy people without insurance from getting insurance until they are sick.

I would rather a movie about your friend's cousin than another Spawn movie.

There's the fucking door, guy.

There was only one catch, and that was Catch-22.

It's not like being British is awesome at the moment. Also, when you're incredibly wealthy, you're totally insulated from the bad aspects of America.

I…like?…that you omitted the most accurate aspects of the insult (stuck up, half-witted).

Considering that it's pretty fucking likely that these people will die, I A) fervently wish one of them is Peter Thiel and B) know it cannot be him, since he fears death the way GOP Congressmen fear town halls.

It was a mistake for them to put their faith in Blast Hardcheese.

Fuck you, Native Americans! These mountains are sacred to you? Watch as we blast a bunch of huge representations of the assholes who murdered you on them!

I dunno, Michael Dorn exclaiming "Shit!" and running away was pretty amazing.

The etymology is from "swollen", specifically with muscles.