
You can absolutely answer directly to another message. It's just not clear in the layout. You know how there are only so many levels of nesting to Disqus comments (after a certain depth it shows flat and gets hard to see who's responding to whom)? In Kinja that depth is 2. So you hit the problem sooner. That's it.


Schoolgirl Hitchhikers (1973)
I beg your pardon?

It's not the writers, it's the execs who greenlight the pitches.

I will bet you $100 that this dies down.

Deed needs to follow word before they can be called an ally.

The thing where he goes to the doctor about a hemorrhoid and the doctor is very accusatory? "I DON'T SEE ANYTHING."

I think you mean '96. I should check that book out.

Right, but he's stupid and doesn't know how to do anything. His advisers will never encourage him to work with the Democrats, and given that he's only ever been a heel and never a babyface, he doesn't know how to get heat with good behavior.

What game will make you stop posting about video games?

While this article's take is extremely bad and dumb, your countertake is no picnic either.

What books have you read that were intentionally trying to be unreadable?

I have been stealing 30 minutes here and there to play Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising. When it came out I was curious about; it always caught my eye when I was in EB, and seeing it for something like 90 cents on GOG during a sale got me to grab it.

Harry Goldenschlong was found in a shallow grave in a cornfield today. The cause of death appeared to be blunt force trauma. The coroner identified the weapon as "multiple baseball bats."

Cool, thanks!

Is Song Exploder accessible to someone who isn't musically literate? I like Hrishi on WWW but I've been intimidated by Song Exploder because I have an incredibly tin ear and I struggle to identify what instrument is making the sound in the songs I like.

That's what I found after 20 seconds of scrolling through your history. I think it's a pretty solid indicator of your ethos and a demonstration of why people should ignore you. Feel free to get back to work at the shitposting factory.

Lawyers for Sarah Palin and New York Times Appear Before Federal Judge
matt davies 3 days ago
Get em Sarah. Smash the fake news.

Fair, although Wonkette isn't owned by Univision (I know they used to be part of Gawker).