
I didn't mean to imply that Yiannopoulos's Jewishness was irrelevant, I was just trying to determine if his Jewishness was up to him. It gets murky for me when it's ethnic/cultural but you can still join in. It seems to me that Jewishness is opt-in but NOT opt-out. I'm not saying it's wrong or that I have any problem

So…we agree? People choose to identify as Jewish, rather than being forced into it by the fact that their mother was Jewish?

Lol at "disrespectful"; it's a fucking comic book movie. He's made like $50 million playing the character and probably never wants to hear about it ever again. The idea that he'd be emotionally connected to a money role is hilarious.

Isn't religion something we can all agree is opt-in? I understand that less progressive people are slower to accept that sexuality and gender are aspects of self-identification, but religion? Surely we're all on board the "religion is a choice" train?

I dunno, I agree they're definitely culpable in his rise, but if they see the error of their ways and fight the evil they've created, I'm less in favor of them having to fuck themselves.

"I'm so tired of this DO NOTHING Congress! Let Trump drain the swamp!" - ProudAmericanMom

My wife filled it out with her real email before I could stop her and I was horrified.

"Doesn't say anything about the President. #MAGA" - DeplorableCHUD.

I think Arnold and Keanu have similarly narrow channels in which they can work, but obviously they're different channels. Arnold is much more charismatic, so his "fun" movies are generally better than Keanu's, but I agree that his ceiling is lower than Keanu's. Although that might have to do with what Arnold was


Cool, it's good to know your own limitations and work within them.

I think looking for this dude to have empathy is a waste of time.

You get used to it. I'm not saying have kids, but human beings get through much harder shit than kid barf. I personally can't imagine living in a war zone, and people do that. Being a dad is easy by comparison.

So you DID keep records of when your coworkers were out and calculate patterns?

Surely this 25% number is based on rigorous scientific research? Maybe you could share your methodology with us.

I like that the idea of sacrifice is so alien to you. Very in character.

Has your near-perfect attendance record gotten you kissed by any girls?

Exactly like Arnold.

Oh my god, I completely forgot he was in Pacific Rim.

Only one upvote? Not a big Melville crowd? He's not an easy read.