
But, but Gale Boetticher did the valuation before deciding to devote the remainder of his life to awesome karaoke and meth

That was so brutally awkward. Perfect delivery, perfect reaction by Carrell leading to you understanding why Oscar would feel bad after saying it, despite Michael being an ass about it.

I had a female friend who was obsessed with "The Notebook" (like so many people were) and swore up and down that Ryan Gossling was so sweet and romantic, when I argued that everythng he was doing was outright stalkerish and mentally unstable, and I was right

Me too. It's amazing how "not sweating the small/medium stuff" really helps you round out into a relatively normal person

Benihana Christmas wins for one of the top 3 fuinniest moments in the shows history:

The paltry sums they pocketed for the sexual harrassment charge was a pretty funny reveal.

This show trained me to pronounce computers that way. So utterly genius

That may have been the biggest laugh of the episode. And an Apple computer sound to boot. More fire for the PC vs. mac debate!

Oh godddddddd….

Jen during this entire segment was awesome. She was so cute and naive. If she wasn't such a GD B earlier in the episode, you would feel bad for her.

Not only that, it was a hate crime

That bird is clearly retarded

Is it available online? I've only seeon it in bits and pieces and it is awesome

@avclub-f9612d06549ffe449e39e34fae8e2549:disqus Yeah I mean CBB is basically an hour and a half version of "Whose Line…" at times.

"Are We Not Men" is the episode I show to people when I wanted them to get into the IT Crowd. It is absolutely pitch perfect, and so damn quotable and still makes me laugh every time. Moss's deadpan soccer commentary is utterly awesome.

I tend to agree with everything but Elba. When he goes off on Charlie Hunnam, we get some of that old Stringer Bell fire. It was so awesome.

This did not get enough love.

It was very Independence Day. Except with an interdimensional portal.

Random thoughts:
1. Michael's sound when Dwight punches him in the stomach was spectacular. "Guh-AAUUUGH"