
Ronnie doesn't really get a personality until almost the last season of the series. It sucks, because his personality was a character I would hav eliked to get to know better

He tends to be good at it when he's not being himself. Like when he was pretending to be a knowledgable football watcher

No Douglas, I said I used to be a man.

@E.Buzz Miller: I think that's my favorite KotH quote ever

This may be complete hyperbole on my part, but I may consider this the most quotable episode in Simpsons history. Almost the entire episode is quotable, and they're all hilarious lines.

Yeah and pretty much the entire cast knew it

Kelly's, as usual, was by far the best. She reacted like she watched the moon landing. It was awesome.

@johnnyb Yes they do. They come by business parks and try to sell their wares. I've seen them a bunch of times at places I've worked (and no I do not work at a laundromat). In the end, she sold her expensive purses to Kevin & Dwight, no?

I loved Carl's Jrs/Hardy's fish sandwich when I was a kid. I occasionally eat one from Burger King as some sort of strange comfort food with bad flavor. I had Michael Scott-esque taste in food as a child.

Criminally underrated movie

What was Wenger thinking sending Walcott on that early?

Although he was in the American remake pilot and that was boarderline brutal to watch. I guess it was the American Office pilot ver 2.0

Good point. But if Creed went to jail, then Kevin should be next? David Wallace may have to clean house (first has to donate enough to get the PBS DVD of the finale)

That line by Andy got to me too. Very well done

Before my opinion transitions wildly after reading all of your good points, I just wanted to get a few of my thoughts down:

Branch Wars is a win for me simply because of the stupidity and hilarity of it all. I can rewatch the episode anytime. "Make love to her. Crawl on top of her an dthink of Stanley".

@avclub-ac43afb6b0c7843fe8d6505bd9013e1e:disqus But the payoff of Kelly and Pam being really freaking awful at ping pong was a lot of fun. I don't think that B story was horrible. Kind of annoying, yes.

Well that took the fire out of my hot air balloon

Didn't care for the movie, but one little nod I liked was making Killian a subtle Fin Fang Foom reference (breathing fire, the dragons tattooed on his chest)

That's the thing, in a post Avengers Marvel Universe, how is a scorcerer too unreal? If they are going to go forward with a Dr. Strange movie as well, it seems counter productive to limit what can be done in other movies. I understand making them less caricatures and more "real" in a personable sense, but to outright