
Funny I liked knots and felt a ton and thought they hit the mark. Conventions was pretty good too. So far the Halloween ep was one of the worst for me. Can't recall the others, which probably isn't that good of a sign.

His stand up comedy and stints on other podcasts have been really awesome, but I think Jeselnik is a really awkward host. The show is great even in spite of this. His material is pretty damn funny, but he has trouble sounding like he's not just reading. Kind of like Craig Kilborne. But who knows, he may get much

@avclub-1343022fc4003e2cf16f0368302d86e8:disqus It's pretty surprising to me also, but he seems to be bigger than ever now. He's on a a national radio show here in Los Angeles more than i would expect and I've heard him on a few podcasts over the past couple of years. I think maybe he's still a hero in the eyes of


@avclub-1301962d8b7bd03fffaa27119aa7fc2b:disqus I hope someone got fired for that blunder

Agree, I was worried because it started so slowly but really picked up during that stretch. That was some wonderful television

You are doing yourself a disservice 3 times over.

@avclub-678004486c119599ed7d199f47da043a:disqus I always loved the pronounciation of "Tobyyyy". It's right up there with Burns' "All hail, King Homer" line in the delivery making something relatively normal sounds incredibly hilarious

"A fat woman klip-klopped into the shoe store today and said, "I need something I'd be comfortable in." I said, "Try Wyoming." Now I don't know when they started letting women carry chainsaws…"

Anthony Anderson's speech after he does that thing he does with Shane's gun is fucking awesome. I re-watched that scene about 10 times

This show is absolutely the city of LA (not the county). This is really how most places here look. Love that they really captured the look of it

3rd Rock is really underrated and was regularly my favorite sitcom when it was on the air. It was over the top, stupid and hammy but all in a good way. Everyone was constantly overacting, but it was hilarious.

He told her to leave Miami and she did! Plotline closed, sealed and perfect!

Very hyped about this. Re-watched the series with my wife and she liked it a lot too (not as much as my love of it). As people mentioned it takes a while to get going, but it is a great ride.

I would agree but sub out Mad Men for the Sopranos.

I think the 2nd half of this past season was on par with season 2 in terms of quality. Really well done stuff that had me looking forward to the show each week, which was something I had lost after the Ireland shit and the major letdown of the Season 4 finale

I have Direct TV and have everything On Demand. Not sure what you're talking about here.

Well they brought in Arrrron Sanchez, famous Mexican cook, to shill Bud Light also, making me think anything he loves on Chopped must taste like piss water.

I'm amused that beer is now marketed towards utter douchebags. Every Bud commercial has a group of asshats who are having "the night of their life" or trying so hard to show how bro-y bros they are.

I hope the next Progressive commercial deals with Flo being hit by a Mack truck, and the aftermath is Progressive trying to deny payment to her stupid family. Flo is the worst.