
Just finished the series and it is great.


I'll keep it simple. This was not very good. Jax deciding to kill himself if they played more into the idea that he couldn't leave Samcro behind if he still lived, and that Samcro was more important to him that his sons. That is the jax we always saw, and it would have made sense for him to actually have that

He's going to start writing on "From A to Z" to kick those ratings up a knotch.

He basically had an emotional breakdown over it and wanted to die.

On Jax's side, yes but not on Wendy's. There is NO reason for her to be willing to side with Jax anymore. He was a fucking monster to her.

Also, Gemma and Juice being "ok, I've done all the worst possible shit I can do in my life, I'm ok with dying now" took any sort of emotional release as well. Gemma should have been begging and crying to live and see her grandkids and try to explain away her misdeeds like she ALWAYS has. It would have been impactful

Haha, oh yes. I forgot about that. Yeesh…

I completely forgot Wendy "decided" to be a lesbian. But once Jax offers you dat dick, you damn sure better convert right back!

Was this the cia ex machina episode?

That was pretty bad. Jax fucking anything with a vagina after murdering people was also pretty lame, especially after last episode where it was so out of place, it was comical.

And that Bobby, the voice of reason, became a blood thirsty sycophant like the rest of the group before becoming the black knight from the holy grail

He has had his moments, though. Him, Coates, Pearlman, Sagal and Siff brought it at times (especially Pearlman), but all had their moments of being extremely wooden and bad. Smits seems to be the best out of the group, understandably though. They guy is great in pretty much every scene he's in. You're welcome, mano.

Basically, it appears that he has tried to do an American accent/lived in America for so long now, that he has developed sort of a hybrid accent that is pretty much what he sounds like on the show. I never saw him on Queer as Fuck (Michael Scott edition), but on Undeclared his accent is for sure British. It's

Sex with his sister? That's such a Tig move

I don't hate it per se, but it's just that it was ultimately pointless and sitting through it sounds like the choriest if chores and something I never want to do again (absent the Jax following the family scene that I mentioned before). They COULD have done something huge there by allowing Abel to stay with that

Oh yes. Being a brown man, I still would have considered dating her racist ass character because she was so damn hot

Watch the last 3 episodes and you're caught up. Plus they were pretty good/great (in comparison to the rest of the season)

I think when people talk about Season 3 they are exculsively talking about Ireland (I know I am). The stuff back in Charming for the last few episodes is a blast to watch, even though Stahl became a fucking cartoon at that point (and thus started Sutter's obsession with baddies on the show becoming ridiculously

It was terrible. Gemma and Wendy were pretty much unwatchable for the last couple of seasons.