
Yeah I applauded them too, and thought it was a nice risk to try, but the problem was that there really wasn't anything of direct consequence to them that happened there really. It was a lot of **SPOILERS** "oh here's some JT backstory" and "Jax almost boned his half sister" and that was it. **END SPOILERS**

The problem was the season 3 pretty much exists in a vacuum. There is almost no mention of it or continuance with it within the story (unless you want to count the IRA stuff), and just seemed to be a standalone subsection of the show. The only good part about it to me was the scene with Jax in the bazaar following

Yes but you can probably skip almost all of season 3 (that's what I did when I re-watched it with my wife) and then parse a lot of season 6 and 7.

While reading this, I was telling myself "Man, this really was a great show", but then I realized that most shows feel great when you cherry pick their best moments (i.e. Lost), but sitting through them again: probably not. I will say that this show achieved a great ranking in season 2, which was awesome, but slowly

Now do the 10 most worthless episodes. It would have to be a tie between most of season 3, most of season 6 and most of season 7.

This is the beginning end of subscription based cable TV. Once companies started to realize that consumers were unhappy with cable companies pre-set packages, they realized that they could just charge people $10/month for their own content themselves and people would pay it. I'm sure within a few months of release it

Yeah but you leave ONE guy to keep an eye on your leverage with the head of a gang that you don't 100% trust? And at the farm you take your entire team and group yourselves together so it's easy for a bomb to kill you? Above all, this guy was a Blackwater dude. he should know something about bombs/explosives/blast

I love this comment so very much

The biggest problem with the villains (the people that Sutter wants us to believe are the villains, not Samcro the true villains) on this show is that they write them SO damn smart for their first few appearances, and then braindead stupid the rest of the time.

Yeah I was mostly just talking about this episode, because as a whole, he has been a non-factor. But he was great in this one

Late to the party to simply say that Michael Cudlitz acts circles around everyone in this show. He is awesome.

"The series has landed" is an all time Futurama classic. It was so well developed and had a confidence in that it knew what it was so much earlier than most shows.

Every time I watch this show, the only thing I can think about most of the time is how badly everything must smell. The bikers, Gemma, Charming, Bobby's eye socket. Everything.

Abel: "Did i do thaaaattttt?"

I never thought that I would regret the death of Clay Morrow. But I regret it now. Show has been infinitely worse since then

Luckily for Dexter, everyone else in Dexter's universe got MUCH dumber as the show went on

The minute a character on this show verbalizes their intent to get out of Charming, they're fucking dead, or get Michael Corleone'd back in

The only way I see this show working out the ending is that the club itself turns on Jax after perhaps finally opening their eyes to what he is (a terrible, awful, horrible parent…and a worthless leader as well) and take him out the same way JT was apparently (or was it suicide now?? Intrigue!).

Late to the party, but I loved the costume party sketch. From Aidy Bryant's great reactions, to of course the insane dancing, it had such an unbridled joy that most SNL sketches sorely lack. It was so much fun to watch. You could really see that the other cast members were having a great time too.

They would then double cross the tornado with a hurricane that would do their bidding and run guns and drugs for them at a cheaper rate. Then double cross the hurricane by siding with a monsoon.