
Call me a prude, but the age difference between Cooper and Hepburn in "Love in the afternoon" creeped me out.

Bringing Up The Big Scar Thing In Rio. I'd watch the shit out of that movie.

Before my screening of "A Pigeon…", they showed some of Andersson's early commercials - and they were outrageously funny.

"Back in my day, I never once saw, with my non-slanted eyes, the mistreatment of Asians. We were all working together building railroads. Asians were much happier then, dressed in kimonos and Fu Manchu mustaches. That was pre-entitlement mind you, before fortune cookies and Rush Hour ruined everything. These Asians,

I'd love for Leto to say in his acceptance speech "I'm the captain now". But instead he'll probably digress on bikini waxes.

Wait, A Hijacking got nominated instead of Jack? Coppola must be fuming.

Well put. I also recommend everyone to seek out the original screenplay written by Eric Singer. It's one of the best I ever read (the opening scene alone is amazing). It was way more focused on the Abscam con and less on cartoonish characters and cheap crowdpleasing moments. I didn't hate the movie, but found it a

Phil Robertson actually stole that monologue from Michael Fassbender in "12 Years A Slave".

Wait, if you didn't write your critique for us to judge it, then why did you write it? Were you hoping that your one-sentence takedown of both Anchorman movies would change the hearts and mind of millions of Americans, and that Will Ferrell himself would call you to apologize?

I understand Matt Besser's aggro but the reality is that improv may be a little too "niche" to crack a Top 10 podcasts of the year. It made my Top 10, but surprisingly enough, no one asked for my opinion.

I've seen 114 movies that came out this year so far and I'll give you my bottom Ten, because I know you guys can't get on with your day unless you read it:

You're right, correction: Nolan's trilogy was "dreadfully pretentious".

I always thought Cynthia Nixon was the better Nixon

Now tell us how you REALLY feel…

I came out of a screening 2 hours ago and I'm still high! What a ride, this will become an instant classic, fantastic screenplay and a director back at the top of his game. Excellent acting across the board and Leo even pulled some crazy physical comedy.
Three words: GO SEE IT

Yes, you have to watch it. I remember seeing it for the first time in Paris in 1996, and my girlfriend at the time walking out of the theater in absolute outrage, convinced that all of it was real. It is that effective.
Or maybe my girlfriend at the time was a complete idiot.

Just saw the movie and the review is spot on. 
Question is: does anyone care anymore?

Nathan is right to mention the "overqualified cast", especially when a couple of familiar faces appear at the end of in Act II in the guise of an innocuous plot point, you automatically know that there will be more to it. I thought that was a mistake.
Otherwise it's a pleasant enough movie but you're not left with

Aaah, Ned's Atomic dustbin… My favorite was the Tartan Shoulders Remix of "Cut Up" on the Not Sleeping Around single. Epic!

"I kicked you in your ghost balls" is what the UCI President told Lance Armstrong after stripping him of his 7 Tour de France titles.