tragically ludicrous not ludic

We used to go there when I was a kid for a long weekend, as we lived in DC and it's a cheap and easy place to take a couple of small children. Their aquarium is awesome, or at least was when I was seven.

Munich is lovely and a favorite place to visit, but also pretty conservative. Although maybe if one gets to know it better, it's less so.

I grew up in Denver and now live in the Netherlands (as I mentioned), which tends to be very small and compact. Every time I go home I'm struck by how long it takes to get anywhere. In 20 minutes by bike I'm on the other side of Utrecht, 20 minutes by car in Denver I'm still in what I'd consider "close to the house."

It's a really great place to live. Quality of life here is excellent. (Although I would say that in the summer, wouldn't I.)

It doesn't get the press of Amsterdam (and now Rotterdam), but it's a really charming place. There's a massive university here so it gets some of that college-town feeling, and the inner city is very much in the classic Dutch look with canals and all, so it's pretty as well. And it's not so overrun with Brits looking

I live in Utrecht, the Netherlands, which I'm surprised at how much I'm attached to. I'm not sure I'd move to anywhere else even if money wasn't an option- although I'd certainly move to a bigger place closer to the center of the city- as this is a really pleasant smaller city in the center of the Netherlands with a

I didn't encounter them until I went to Portugal, but they're incredible.

They filet them, so the bones are gone by the time you eat it. (You can also get them chopped into pieces to be eaten with a toothpick, which is what I prefer if I'm not doing it for Instagram.)

I'm going to get a herring tomorrow after the meetings I have.

I'm surprised the Dutch let any of it out of the country.

Not surprising! I convinced my skeptical mother to try herring when she came out to visit me by saying the Dutch style is more like sushi than the jarred and pickled stuff my dad likes.

I was about to come here and say that. Dutch "raw" herring is the best kind of herring, and it's the season for it right now.

Apparently, at least according to Wikipedia, he changed his name to that.

I took my friend to a Mexican restaurant in NYC when we were there and he loved it, but he's Hungarian and had never been to a Mexican restaurant other than the (decent for the area) one he worked at in Amsterdam. So I mean, it's not like he knew any better.

He also famously equalized the legal status of Jews, which I'm not sure Bannon would be all that into either.

Why wouldn't you like Crucified? It rules.

As recent Morrissey utterances go, at least it's not racist.

God, I loved all of those.

Maybe this is the year I go to Brussels and visit the Gueze Museum. All this time in the Netherlands and I still haven't been…

I was in the UK last week and really enjoying the bitters, while noting that it seems to have gone as IPA-crazy as the Dutch.