tragically ludicrous not ludic

There's no way I'm drinking an IPA no matter how much they claim "it's not undrinkably bitter this time, promise!" so I would like to second that remark.

Stop saying gummy!

My Torah portion was from the Book of Numbers. Not exactly the sort of stuff to inspire a 12-year-old.

I still wish she'd really committed to Riot Grrl on All-Stars. She half-assed it at best.

I felt bad for Sasha having Katy Perry as her guest. There is no way she gives two shits about Katy Perry.

It meant the Amsterdam show was short, which was a bit annoying as it wasn't cheap. We didn't have Bianca or Violet.

I often don't even watch them, being Europe-based, but I made sure this time.

Honestly? I feel like this person does, just judging by what they've been saying each week. There's this baffling dislike of Sasha having acknowledged she's read a book. (But there was also last week's hardcore stanning of Valentina, so maybe there's another narrative in there.)

Sam Smith is at least excessively melodramatic, which I like much more than the wimpy hetero version.

But he isn't even that most of the time! I'm mad about it.

I feel like he really is everywhere in the Netherlands, but I get confused because I think he should be some acoustic guitar guy and then at the gym they play some real pop song and it turns out that's Ed Sheeran and I just don't expect it.

I'm a Dutch resident, based in Utrecht but my office is in Rotterdam, so I've come to know that route (as well as Utrecht-Amsterdam) quite well. I enjoy the way the city almost immediately gives way to farmland and then back to city - there's not the same amount of "empty" space as there is in the US, where I'm from,

Pacific Rim, as I bring up a lot, has a pretty dedicated fanbase (still). It probably wasn't the blockbuster that the studio was hoping for/counting on, but it did find an audience that was very invested in it and its world. There are worse things to build on.

Belgium is where horse is popular. You can get it in the Netherlands, but it's pretty niche.

On the normal train or the Thalys? I've done the Thalys from Rotterdam and I really enjoyed it.

My cat's aunts apparently hunt rabbits (they live in the Dutch countryside) and bring them back into the house/garage to eat. My cat hasn't brought me anything yet, although he does a good job of killing flies.

I'm heading out of town for a few days and my housemate wants instructions about taking care of my cat. Honestly, the instructions are "generally make sure his bowl isn't empty once a day."

Mine also kills flies for me, so he's vaguely useful.

I took a bullet train in Japan last year and I was sad when it was over after 5 hours. I wish I could take one everywhere.

They are so fucking ugly, though. Every time I see one of the ads I get mad at how ugly they look. They're made of computers! They don't have to look this shit.