tragically ludicrous not ludic

Pain and Gain was much less fun than it should have been. He stumbled onto a great story and good actors, but a better director would have made much more out of it.

I guess it's longer than a Tweet, but it's really not that long.

I referred to it the whole time as "my dystopian pod room" but also I enjoyed the dystopian pod experience. The wake-up system was the right combination of ridiculous and very effective.

I stayed in a CitizenM hotel recently (the one in Rotterdam) and it was a bizarre kind of sci-fi pod experience. You might enjoy it.

It gets us all in the end.

Right, like Aja saying how much she managed to do on the same amount of sleep, like c'mon girl you are 23 years old. Of course you can do all of that. And of course you can't understand that someone who is 52 might have a problem with it.

And that they're so much a part of the "second" show. I only do RPDR online here, so I mostly pick it up second-hand, but it seems like of such importance to so many that the contestants themselves can't ignore it.

Yeah, Phi Phi struck me, particularly in AS2, was that she's just a person that competition brings out the worst in. Even if she knows she shouldn't make a big deal out of it, she can't not care about winning and that desire blinds her to anything else. Out of that setting, she's a very different person.

Social media/fandom is such a fascinating influence on this show. I don't know reality TV that well, so maybe this is the case on other shows too, but the way that it has come to function as a second, "uncontrolled" part of the show is fasicnating.

To stick up for Charlie - I'm 20 years younger than her and I'm a mess when I have less than 8 hours of sleep for a day or two (I can just about manage a day on 6, maybe). I can definitely believe she struggled with the physical demands of the show in a way that a 22-year-old wouldn't.

Money helps a lot- you can afford better looks and someone to help you put it all together. Some extra from the tours and a raised profile will do wonders.

Wow, yes, the Dick in my Mouth song should definitely have been on the series. Having that kind of stuff is what makes the show work.

It's such an industry now that the queens really do have to be aware of things.

What country are you from that gets that? I'm in the Netherlands, where it is entirely "here is what Dutch people are doing, and also every speed skating race." Although I do have to admit that the BBC, which I also get, is better.

I used to complain about that too, but then I realized that every country is this bad. You should see Dutch coverage, where they cut between events to show what a Dutch person is doing somewhere else.

The fanbase is always deeply critical, they'll just be critical after they see it. And there's plenty of ways to fuck up franchise filmmaking with incompetence.

I'm kind of disappointed this is only lukewarm, which feels more damning somehow.

My AP American History teacher offered an A for anyone who got a 5 on the AP test. Guess who had a C grade until the test?

From what I understand you put green chili on everything, as you damn well should.

All of those are also excellent. And it's not German, but I've become pretty fond of the Dutch rookworst- a smoked pork sausage, served in a bun or with a mashed potato/kale mix. It's kind of become my go-to "I've landed back in the Netherlands" food.