tragically ludicrous not ludic

You used to see smoked horse meat as a cold cut here in the Netherlands, but I'm not sure I've seen it at the store recently.

As skeptical as I was of the food articles, they're often really interesting.

Damn. Maybe I should visit my friends in NZ.

It was always a favorite of mine growing up in the US. My mom will still make a leg of lamb when I'm coming home. It's more expensive than beef, I guess, but worth it for that kind of special occasion. (Also more expensive than beef in the European country I now live in, despite me seeing sheep on the train

In Colorado where I grew up buffalo/bison is popular, it feels very "mountain" and it's pretty tasty.

Dang, that sounds good. I've mostly had it prepared Flemish or French style, but I'm curious about other preparations.

I am sincerely glad at least one is called Cool Runnings.


Every so often I get drunk at a party and forget that no one else thinks Einstürzende Neubauten is a dance band. Especially not my friends, who mostly listen to Eurovision and Carly Rae Jepsen.

Nicki's probably the most innovative top-40 popstar out there. Her hits are delightfully weird when you really listen to them.

I've been told that British reality TV editors are the best in the business, which might be why it's paced so well in comparison to others.

IV is usually pretty good for action, though.

I look forward to seeing this in several years on RTL 7 or Veronica.

If it was Dutch it would be a trance remix or something.

The Brits didn't have the Dutch coming in and giving them a better word for "cookie."

Ryanair sucks, but more in the "they treat you like cattle" way than "this plane will break" way. They also tend to fly in and out of weird places. There are other budget airlines, though, which I tend to prefer- I'm actually fond of Easyjet, which is cheap and no-frills but they generally treat you like a human

It's tomato soup served ice cold!

Also the bodega guy.

Satésaus is the shit.