tragically ludicrous not ludic

Oh gosh, I laughed really hard at that and then tried to explain it to my friends and yeah, there's a reason I'm pro-Sasha.

That sucks. I just refuse to go on spinning rides on principle, but that's a dick move.

It's a fascinatingly odd section of the park. Do people even care about those properties?

Star Wars is going to be their real response, most definitely - it's the one thing that can compete with Harry Potter both in terms of cultural relevance and spaces to recreate. Avatar will be interesting, though - it was always more about the environment of Pandora than the plot/characters. If it's done right, it

Gringotts was breaking down a lot when I was there (first winter it was open), but to be honest Gringotts, while fun, wasn't nearly the point of that area.

Yeah, I have come to realize I enjoy rides more than experiences- I'd rather go to somewhere with good coasters than shows or decor or whatnot. But that's just my tastes.

Wizarding World is really outstanding. I do want to see how Disney responds.

I think Universal is much better if you don't have a lot of nostalgia/love for Disney products- Disney seems to rely on that goodwill to make it work. Without it, it's less interesting. (Universal also has actual roller coasters.)

I can't handle any spinning at all, so teacups are just a circle of hell.

The Hulk coaster is great.

That's what I was about to ask. How much are they allowed to do?

Awww man. I should call my mom, I bet she's sad.

I bought a cassette at the show of a favorite indie artist of mine because he was signing at the show and I already had the vinyl at home. I will never listen to it because honestly, but it's bright pink and he signed it in gold so it looks pretty cool on my shelf.

I meant the entirety of Red Nose Day, in the sense of lots of celebrities doing ostentatious but warm-feeling skits and so forth for charity. Feels like it fits with NBC, especially if they can already draw on what UK television has already done.

I always root against them at Westminster, but the few I've met in person are actually pretty good dogs.

So the whole Red Nose Day thing has moved to NBC, then? That sort of makes sense.

Husk Musk!

Hey, don't lump Hades in with this. Someone's got to take care of the Underworld, and he's way less of a dick than Zeus.

Morrissey's always been fun to hate on, but it's still kind of depressing to see him go full-on reactionary instead of just kind of hinting at it. It's just not as much fun and way more sad.

He's been pretty racist for a while (Bengali in Platforms, anyone?), but he seems to have gone off the deep end about it lately.